The following outline is given as an overview and topical guide for biochemistry:
Biochemistry - studying the chemical processes in living organisms, including living matter. Biochemistry regulates all living organisms and life processes.
Video Outline of biochemistry
Biochemical Application
- Testing
- Ames test - Salmonella bacteria are exposed to questionable chemicals (food additives, for example), and changes in the way bacteria grow are measured. These tests are useful for filtering chemicals to see if they mutate the structure of the DNA and with extensions that identify their potential to cause cancer in humans.
- Pregnancy test - one using a sample of urine and other blood samples. Both detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone. This hormone is produced by the placenta immediately after implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall and accumulates. Breast cancer screening - risk identification by testing for mutations in two Breast Cancer-1 genes (BRCA1) and the Breast Cancer-2 gene (BRCA2) - allows a woman to schedule increased screening tests at more frequent levels than the population general. Prenatal genetic testing - the testing of the fetus for potential genetic damage, to detect chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome or birth defects such as spina bifida.
- The PKU - Phenylketonuria (PKU) test is a metabolic disorder in which a person loses an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase. The absence of this enzyme allows the buildup of phenylalanine, which can lead to mental retardation.
- Genetic engineering - taking genes from one organism and placing them into another organism. Biochemists insert genes for human insulin into bacteria. Bacteria, traveling through the process of translation, make human insulin.
- Cloning - Dolly, sheep is the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell cell. The cloned sheep, of course, is genetically identical to the original adult sheep. This clone is made by taking a cell from the udder of a 6 year old parent and growing it in the lab.
- Modified or healthy gene therapy is introduced into the organism to replace the disease-causing genes. Generally viruses that have been altered to carry human DNA are used to deliver healthy genes to targeted cells in patients. This process was first used successfully in 1990 in a 4-year-old patient who did not have an immune system due to a rare genetic disease called severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID).
Maps Outline of biochemistry
Biochemistry Branch
Main branch
- Animal biochemistry
- Plant biochemistry
- Molecular biology
- Cell biology
- Metabolism
- Immunology
- Genetics
- Enzyme
Other branches
Biotechnology, Bioluminescence, Molecular chemistry, Enzymatic chemistry, Genetics engineering, Pharmacy, Endocrinology, Hematology Neurochemistry, Nutrition, Photosynthesis, Environment, Toxicology
Biochemical history
Biochemical history
General biochemical concepts
- Main categories of bio compounds:
- Carbohydrates: sugar - disaccharides - polysaccharides - starch - glycogen
- Lipids: fatty acids - fats - essential oils - oil - wax - cholesterol
- Nucleic acid: DNA - RNA - mRNA - tRNA - rRNA - codon - adenosine - cytosine - guanine - thymine - uracil
- Protein:
- amino acid - glycine - arginine - lysine
- peptides - primary structures - secondary structures - tertiary structures - conformations - protein folding
- Chemical properties:
- molecular bonds - covalent bonds - ionic bonds - hydrogen - ester - ethyl bonds
- molecular load - hydrophobic - hydrophobic - pole
- pH - acid - alkaline - base
- oxidation - reduction - hydrolysis
- Structural compounds:
- In cell: flagellin - peptidoglycan - myelin - actin - myosin
- In animals: chitin - keratin - collagen - silk
- In plants: cellulose - lignin - cell wall
- Enzymes and enzyme activity:
- enzyme kinetics - enzyme inhibition
- proteolisis - ubiquitin - proteasome
- kinase - dehydrogenase
- Membrane: liquid mosaic model - diffusion - osmosis
- phospholipids - glycolipids - glycocalyx - antigen - isoprene
- ion channel - proton pump - electron transport - ion gradient - antiporter - symporter - quinone - riboflavin
- Energy path:
- pigments: chlorophyll - carotenoids - xanthophyll - cytochrome - phycobilin - bacteriorhodopsin - hemoglobin - myoglobin - absorption spectrum - fluorescence action spectrum
- Photosynthesis: light reactions - dark reactions
- Fermentation: Acetyl-CoA - lactic acid
- Cell Respiration: Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - NADH - pyruvate - oxalate - citrate
- Synthesis
- Rules
- hormone: auxin
- signal transduction - growth factor - transcription factor - protein kinase - SH3 domain
- Malfunction: tumor - oncogen - tumor suppressor gene
- Receptors: Integrins - transmembrane receptors - ion channels
- Technic: electrophoresis - chromatography - mass spectrometry - x-ray diffraction - Southern blot - fractionation - Gram stain - Surface Plasmon Resonance - Microscale Thermophoresis
Biochemical Techniques
Molecular genetics
- DNA sequencing
- Polymerase chain reaction
- North Blotting
- Southern blotting
- Fusion protein
- DNA microarray
- Bioinformatics
- flow cytometry
Protein Purification
- Western blotting
- Chromatography
Structural Determination
- X-ray crystallography
- Electron microscope
- Molecular dynamics
- Mass Spectrometry
- Isotope labeling
Interaction between biomolecules
- Coimmunoprecipitation
- Shift assay electrophoresis
- Southwestern Blocking
External links
- Biochemistry, 5th ed. The full text of Berg, Tymoczko, and Stryer, belongs to NCBI.
- Biochemistry, second edition. Full text of Garrett and Grisham.
Source of the article : Wikipedia