In France, secondary education exists in two stages:
- collÃÆ'¨ges ( French pronunciation: Ã, [k? l ??] ) meets the first four years of secondary education from the age of 11 to 15 years.
- lycÃÆ' Â © es ( [lise] ) provides three years of education middle school for children between the ages of 15 and 18 years. Students are prepared for baccalaurÃÆ'Â at at ( [bakalorea] ) (baccalaureate, colloquially known as le bac ), which can lead to the study of higher education or directly to the professional life.
Video Secondary education in France
School year
The school year begins in early September and ends in early July. The metropolitan French school holidays are scheduled by the Ministry of Education by dividing the country into three zones (A, B, and C) to prevent overcrowding by family vacation destination destinations, such as the Mediterranean coast and ski resorts. Lyon, for example, are in zone A, Marseille in zone B and Paris and Bordeaux are in zone C.
In contrast to practice in most other educational systems, the school years in France are calculated on a declining scale. Thus, students start their secondary education at sixiÃÆ'¨me (grade 6), and transfer to lycÃÆ' Â © e in seconds (2 classes ), and the last year is terminale .
In France, the word for "ÃÆ' Â © tudiant (e)" is usually reserved for university-level students, and students collÃÆ'¨ge and lycÃÆ' Â © e are referred to as ÃÆ' Â © lÃÆ'¨ves ( student or student in English).
The curriculum ( le program officiel ) is the standard for all French public institutions. Changes to the program are made annually by the French Ministry of Education and published in the Offiel Officiel de l'ÃÆ' â € ° Nationale Education (BO ), an official reference bulletin for educators.
Maps Secondary education in France
The collÃÆ'¨ge is the level of junior secondary education in the French education system. A student who attends collÃÆ'¨ge is called a collien giernie or a collilla giber. Men and women teachers at collÃÆ'¨ge - and lycÃÆ' Â © e -the level is called professeur (there is no official feminine professional form in France although the "professeure" feminine form has emerged and seems to have some reason in use). The city of Paris refers to collÃÆ'¨ge in English as "high school".
Sign in at sixiÃÆ'¨me occurs directly after the final year of primary school, called cours moyen deuxiÃÆ'¨me annÃÆ'Â © e (CM2). There is no entrance test to the collÃÆ'¨ge , but the administrator has established a comprehensive academic exam from students beginning at sixiÃÆ'¨me . The purpose of this examination is to evaluate the level of the pupil while graduating from primary school.
The table on the right details the French curriculum. Together with three to four hours of physical education weekly, a typical school week consists of about twenty-six (26) school hours. French language and literature occupy the most time, 4-5 hours per week, followed by math, 4 hours per week; Other subjects occupy about 1.0-3.5 hours per week.
The curriculum is designed by the French Ministry of National Education and applies to all French collections in France as well as to institutions that rely on AEFE. Acadà © mies and each school has a small margin for curriculum customization. The teacher arranges the syllabus according to government education regulations, and chooses the appropriate textbooks; every major French publisher has a textbook branch.
Process and destination
Each subject is usually taught by a different "professeur" or teacher; most teachers teach different age groups. CollÃÆ'¨ge students stay in the same class throughout the school year, and in each subject (except elective courses such as foreign languages, where students from some mixed classes), so each year group is divided into as many classes required. Strong belief in teaching in a mixed-ability class means that streaming is rare.
Class sizes vary from school to school, but typically range from 20 to 35 students. Each class has a professeur principal (main teacher or classroom teacher) who is the liaison between faculty, administration and students.
In the end, the role of collÃÆ'¨ge is to prepare students for advanced subjects from lycÃÆ'Â © e . At the end of the class troisiÃÆ'¨me , the student sits for le düme national du Brevet , the end of the collÃÆ'¨ge examination; The brevet is not required to go to lycÃÆ'Â © e , or it does not guarantee that pupils will progress to a higher-level school.
During the last conseil de classe this year, held in June, teachers and administrators decide whether a student can go on to the next class or not. In deciding, they evaluate students' skills, participation, and behaviors. Three outcomes are possible:
- students advance to the next class;
- hers redoublement (repeating years) may be required;
- he may, in certain cases, be offered to pass the class and promoted two values.
A student who is required to repeat a class can appeal the decision. The decision of the appellate council is final.
Carte scolaire
French parents are not free to choose a public school where their children will attend; unless the children have special learning needs, they will attend the school allocated to them by carte scolaire (school map). Reasons for attending public schools that are not their nearest schools include studying options that were not available at the school where they were originally assigned (such as a rare foreign language).
For many reasons, many parents find the allocated schools insufficient, especially if they do not like the idea of ​​their children mixing with some other students at school. This is especially true in poor neighborhoods with large populations of foreign immigrants. In any city, there are "better" lycÃÆ' Â © es and collÃÆ'¨ges, which parents prefer their children to attend (usually dating from the 19th century, downtown). The two main methods used in such circumstances to include children to schools other than assigned schools are:
- paying for a partially subsidized private school;
- asking children to choose unusual options (eg Ancient Greece) is available only in select schools.
Similar tricks are used in cases where some classes in school are seen as "better" than others. For organizational reasons, students take a particular option grouped into special classes, which may be academically interesting. This usually includes classes that take German as the first foreign language, or Latin or Ancient Greek as an option.
LycÃÆ' Â © e
The lycÃÆ'Â © e is the second, and last, the secondary education level in the French education system. The city of Paris refers to lycÃÆ'Â © e in English as "the sixth-shaped college". A student attending lycÃÆ'Â © e is a lycÃÆ'Â © en (boy) or a lycÃÆ'Â © enne (female).
Until 1959, the term lycÃÆ' © e sets the secondary school with a full curriculum (7 years, college now lyca  © e) directly under the supervision of the State, then 1959-1963 each high school with a full curriculum. LycÃÆ' © old is still part of the collÃÆ'¨ge , so a student attending lycÃÆ' © e may actually be collÃÆ' © gien .
At the end of the final year of school, most students take baccalaurÃÆ'Â © in the diploma.
LycÃÆ' Â © es is divided into (i) lycÃÆ' Â © e gÃÆ' Â © nÃÆ' Â © ral , leading to two or more years post-baccalaurÃÆ'Â © in the study, (ii) the lycÃÆ' Â © e technologique , leading to short-term study, and (iii) lycÃÆ' Â © e professionnel , vocational qualifications leading directly to a particular career. General education and technology courses are provided at the "lycÃÆ' Â © es " standard, while vocational courses are provided in separate professionals lycÃÆ' Â © es .
In practice, a competent student in a professionnel professionnel may also apply for short-term, post-baccalaurÃÆ'Â © Â © in a study leading to Brevet de technicien supÃÆ' Â © rieur (BTS), vocational qualifications. This option is also available to students at a lycÃÆ' Â © eÃÆ' Â © ral .
LycÃÆ' Â © e gÃÆ' Â © nÃÆ' Â © ral and lycÃÆ' Â © e technologique
In France, lycÃÆ' Â © eÃÆ' Â © ral is the usual stepping stone for a university degree. During their year at Seconde students make their last choice of sÃÆ' Â © rie (course) for the last two years. During seconds , most students take the same course, though they have different academic and interest skills, so it is usually considered an easier year than the premiÃÆ'¨re or > terminale .
General flow
After seconds , most French students choose a public course. In all courses, some subjects spend more time in student schedules. The baccalaurÃÆ' Â © at checks are different for the third sÃÆ' Â © ries , and the subject is weighed according to the course taken.
According to official statistics, for the 2003-2004 school year, 33 percent of all students chose sÃÆ' Â © rie S ; 19 percent chose sÃÆ' Â © rie ES ; and 11 percent chose sÃÆ' Â © rie L .
All students take the philosophy course at terminale, while the French class ends at premiÃÆ'¨re , except sÃÆ' Â © rie L , where they become French literature classes, where students must study two books during this year, from French writers, or foreign books translated into French (eg Romeo and Juliet during the 2007-2008 school year , or The Leopard from Italian author Giuseppe Tomasi in Lampedusa).
There is also an option that is required for further specialization in all sÃÆ' Â © ries , although it is limited to the selected program. For example, a student at sÃÆ' Â © rie S may choose to specialize in math, physics, " SVT " (biology and geology) or "engineering science," but not in philosophy.
A student at sÃÆ'  © rie L may choose to specialize in one of his or her foreign languages ​​(English being the most popular), third foreign language or dead language such as Latin, one of these musical arts, theaters, circuses, "plastiques" Specialization adds a separate two-hour class, separated within the chosen discipline; also, it increases the weight of the selected subject in baccalaurÃÆ' at . The syllabus in a specialization class is not related to the material studied in the general class. Specializations do not play a role in a choice of post-secondary careers or at a university, except for some courses aimed at students from being awarded sÃÆ'  © rie who can also accept students from other sà © Ã… © ries if they have specialized specializations.
Technical flow
The lycÃÆ' Â © e includes eight other streams, called sÃÆ' Â © ries technologiques :
- ethnology de la gestion (Science Management and Technology, STG ) (replacing science and technology tertiaires (Service Science and Technology, STT ) for the Bac Exam June 2007)
- science and technology de l'industrie et du dÃÆ' Â © veloppement durable (Science of Industry and Technology and sustainable development, STI2D )
- science and technology de laboratoire (Science Laboratory and Technology, STL )
- the science of mÃÆ' © dico-sociales (Health and Social Sciences, SMS ): Name changed in 2007 and became: ethnology de la santa  © et du social (Science and Technology in Health and Social, ST2S )
- science and technology du produit agroalimentaire (Food Science and Technology, STPA )
- science and technology de l'agronomie et de l'environnement (Agronomy and Environmental Science and Technology, STAE )
- engineering de la musique et de la danse (Music and Dance Technique, TMD )
- hÃÆ'Â'tellerie (hotel and restaurant management)
STPA and STAE streams are only available at lycale agricole , a special school for agricultural science.
LycÃÆ' Â © e professionnel
The lycÃÆ' Â © e professionnel leads to several different vocational diplomas. This course is designed for students who are not planning to pursue higher education. Vocational training is for craftsmen and involves internships in commercial companies. This course is suitable for students who are more interested in a direct educational approach than in an academic school.
Outside France
See also
- BaccalaurÃÆ' Â © in
- Grandes ÃÆ' Â © coles
- Education in France
- Agent for French Education Abroad
External links
- French Ministry of Education (in French)
- Officiel Bulletin (in French)
- Central website of the national documentation pá © dagogique (in French)
- School and education system in France (in English)
Source of the article : Wikipedia