Selasa, 03 Juli 2018

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The 6 Elements of Persuasion (Infographic)

Persuasion is the umbrella effect term. Persuasion can try to influence one's beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors. In business, persuasion is a process that aims to change a person's or group's attitude or behavior toward an event, idea, object, or other person, using written or spoken words or visual tools to convey information, feelings, or reasoning, or combination of both. Persuasion is also a tool often used in pursuit of personal gain, such as election campaigns, providing trade promotions, or in experimental advocacy. Persuasion can also be interpreted as using personal resources or a person's position to change people's behavior or attitudes. Systematic persuasion is a process in which attitudes or beliefs are exploited by the appeal of logic and reason. Heuristic persuasion on the other hand is a process through which attitudes or beliefs are leveraged by appeals to habits or emotions.

Video Persuasion

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Persuasion begins with the Greeks, who emphasize rhetoric and elocution as the highest standard for a successful politician. All proceedings are held before the Assembly, and both prosecution and defense are rested, as is often done today, on the speaker's persuasion. Rhetoric is the ability to find the means of persuasion available in all things. Greek philosopher Aristotle mentions four reasons why one should learn the art of persuasion:

  1. truth and justice are perfect; so if a case is missing, it is the error of the speaker
  2. this is a great tool for teaching
  3. a good rhetoric needs to know how to disagree both sides to understand the whole matter and all the options, and
  4. there is no better way to defend yourself.

Aristotle's rhetorical evidence:

  1. ethos (credibility)
  2. logo (reason)
  3. pathos (emotion)

Maps Persuasion


Attribution theory

Humans attempt to explain the actions of others through dispositional attribution or situational attribution.

The dispositional attribution, also referred to as internal attribution, seeks to show one's character, abilities, motives, or disposition as the cause or explanation for their actions. A citizen who criticizes a president by saying that the country lacks economic and health progress because the president is lazy or lacks in economic intuition using dispositional attribution.

Situational attribution, also referred to as external attribution, tries to point to the context around people and its environmental factors, especially those that are completely beyond its control. A citizen who claims that the lack of economic progress is not the president's fault, but the fact that he inherited a bad economy from his previous president was situational attribution.

Fundamental attribution errors occur when people incorrectly take into account either the lack or achievement of internal factors, and ignore any external factors. In general, people tend to make dispositional attributions more often than situational attribution when trying to explain or understand one's behavior. This happens when we are much more focused on individuals because we do not know much about their situation or context. While trying to persuade others to like us or others, we tend to explain positive attitudes and attitudes with dispositional attributions, but our own negative behaviors and deficiencies with situational attribution.

Theory of behavior change

The theory of planned behavior is the most important theory of behavior change. It has the support of a meta-analysis that reveals it can predict about 30% of the behavior. Theory, by nature however, prioritizes internal validity, more than external validity. They are coherent and therefore make the story easy and customized. On the other hand, they will be worse corresponding to the evidence, and the mechanics of reality, than the immediate details of behavioral (technique) change interventions with their individual efficacy. These behavior change interventions have been categorized by behavioral scientists. A mutually exclusive, comprehensive, comprehensive translation (MECE) of this taxonomy, in order to reduce effectiveness are:

  1. positive and negative consequences
  2. offer/remove incentives,
  3. offer/remove threats/penalties,
  4. Distraction,
  5. change the gesture (trigger) exposure for behavior,
  6. hints,
  7. goal setting,
  8. (increasing importance) emotional/health/social/environmental/repentance consequences,
  9. Self-monitor behavior and behavioral results,
  10. successful performance mental practice (planning?),
  11. self-talk,
  12. focus on previous success,
  13. comparison of results through persuasive arguments,
  14. pros/cons and future comparative imaging results,
  15. self-identification as an example,
  16. self-affirmation,
  17. Reframing,
  18. cognitive dissonance,
  19. Re-Associates,
  20. (Increase importance) antecedents

The typical instantiation of these techniques in therapy is the prevention of exposure/response to OCD.

Conditioning theories

Conditioning plays a big part in the concept of persuasion. More often about leading someone to take certain actions of their own, rather than giving direct orders. In advertising for example, this is done by trying to connect positive emotions with brand/product logos. This is often done by creating ads that make people laugh, using sexual tones, inserting joyful images and/or music, etc. And then end the ads with the brand/product logo. A great example of this is a professional athlete. They get paid to connect themselves with things that can deal directly with their role; sports shoes, tennis racquets, golf balls, or the totally irrelevant stuff like soft drinks, popcorn poppers and panty hoses. What is important for advertisers is to build connections to consumers.

This conditioning is thought to affect how people see certain products, knowing that most purchases are made on the basis of emotion. Just as you sometimes remember the memory of a particular smell or sound, the purpose of some ads is simply to restore certain emotions when you see their logo in your local store. The hope is to repeat the message several times making consumers more likely to buy the product because they have connected it with good emotions and positive experiences. Stefano DellaVigna and Matthew Gentzkow conducted a comprehensive study of the influence of persuasion in different domains. They found that persuasion has little to no effect on advertising; however, there is a substantial influence of persuasion on voting if there is face-to-face contact.

Cognitive dissonance theory

Leon Festinger originally proposed the theory of cognitive dissonance in 1957. He theorized that humans always strive for mental consistency. Our cognitions (thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes) can be in agreement, unrelated, or disagreeable with each other. Our cognition can also be an agreement or disagreement with our behavior. When we detect opposing cognition, or dissonance, it gives us a sense of incompleteness and discomfort. For example, a person who is addicted to cigarettes but also suspects it could be detrimental to his health suffering from cognitive dissonance.

Festinger suggests that we are motivated to reduce this dissonance until our cognition is in harmony with itself. We strive for mental consistency. There are four main ways we can reduce or eliminate our incompatibility:

  1. change our minds about one aspect of cognition
  2. reduce the importance of cognition
  3. increase the overlap between the two, and
  4. re-evaluate the cost/reward ratio.

Reviewing the example of a smoker, she can quit smoking, reduce the importance of her health, convince herself that she is not at risk, or that smoking gifts are worth the cost of her health.

Cognitive dissonance is powerful when it comes to competition and self-concept. The most famous example of how cognitive dissonance can be used for persuasion comes from the 1959 Festinger and Carlsmith experiment in which participants are required to complete a very tedious task for an hour. Some get paid $ 20, while others get paid $ 1, and after that they are instructed to tell the next waiting participants that the experiment is fun and exciting. Those who paid $ 1 were much more likely to convince the next participant that the experiment was really fun than those who received $ 20. This is because $ 20 is enough reason to participate in a boring task for an hour, so there's no dissonance. Those who receive $ 1 suffer from great dissonance, so they have to really convince themselves that the task is actually fun to avoid feeling exploited, and therefore reduce their incompatibility.

Elaboration likelihood model

Persuasion has traditionally been associated with two routes.

  • Middle route: That way, someone evaluates the information presented to them based on the pros and cons and how well supports their values ​​
  • Peripheral route: Changes mediated by how interesting the source of communication and by ignoring the process of deliberation.

Elaboration likelihood model (ELM) forms a new aspect of the route theory. It argues that the probability of effective persuasion depends on how successful the communication is in bringing to mind the relevant mental representation, which is the possibility of elaboration. So if the target of communication is personally relevant, it increases the likelihood of elaboration of the desired outcome and will be more persuasive if it passes through a central route. Communication that does not require careful thought will be more suitable for peripheral routes.

Functional theory

Functional theorists seek to understand the different attitudes that individuals have toward people, things or problems in different situations. There are four major functional attitudes:

  1. Adjustment function: The primary motivation for individuals is to increase positive external rewards and minimize costs. Attitudes serve to direct behavior toward rewards and away from punishment.
  2. Ego's defense function: The process by which an individual protects his ego from being threatened by his own negative impulses or threatening thoughts.
  3. Value-expressive: When a person gets the pleasure of displaying a picture of himself that is aligned with their self-concept and the beliefs they want to associate with it.
  4. Knowledge function: The need to achieve a sense of understanding and control over one's life. Therefore, one's attitude serves to help set the standards and rules that govern their feelings.

When communication targets the underlying function, its persuasive level affects whether individuals change their attitudes after determining that other attitudes will more effectively fulfill that function.

Theory of inoculation

The vaccine introduces a weak form of a virus that can easily be defeated to prepare the immune system if necessary to fight a stronger form of the same virus. In much the same way, the theory of inoculation suggests that certain parties can introduce a weak form of weak argument that is easily thwarted to make the audience tend to ignore the form of a strong and complete argument from the other side..

This is often the case with negative advertising and comparative advertising - both for products and for political causes. An example is a product manufacturer that displays ads that reject one particular claim made about a competitor's product, so when a viewer sees an ad for a competitor's product, they automatically dispute the product claim.

Narrative transport theory

Narrative transportation theory proposes that when people lose themselves in a story, their attitudes and intentions change to reflect the story. The mental state of the narrative transport can explain the persuasive effects of stories on people, who may experience narrative transport when certain contextual and personal preconditions are met, such as the Green and Brock postulate for the image-transport model. Narrative transportation occurs whenever the recipient of a story experiences a feeling of entering the world caused by narration because of the empathy for the story's character and imagination plot of the story.

Social assessment theory

Social assessment theory shows that when people are presented with an idea or any kind of persuasive proposal, their natural reaction is to immediately find a way to sort the information unconsciously and react to it. We evaluate the information and compare it with the attitude we already have, called the initial attitude or anchor point.

When trying to sort incoming persuasive information, the audience evaluates whether it lands on the receiving latitude, non-commitment or ignorance latitude, or latitude rejection. The size of this latitude varies from topic to topic. Our "ego involvement" generally plays one of the biggest roles in determining the size of this latitude. When a topic is closely related to how we define and understand ourselves, or deal with anything we care about passionately, our latitude of acceptance and non-commitment will likely be much smaller and our rejection attitude far greater. An anchor's point is considered to be the center of its receiving line, the position most acceptable to it.

Viewers tend to change the incoming information to fit their unique latitude. If something falls within the latitude of acceptance, the subject tends to assimilate the information and consider it closer to the anchor point than it really is. Conversely, if something is within the latitude of rejection, the subject tends to distinguish information and convince itself that the information is far from the anchor point than it really is.

When trying to persuade an individual target or an entire audience, it is important to first study the average, non-commitment, and rejection of your audience. It is ideal to use persuasive information that lands near the boundaries of the receiving latitude if the goal is to change the anchor point of the audience. Repeatedly suggesting ideas at the periphery of receiving latitude makes people gradually adjust their anchor points, while suggesting ideas in latitude rejection or even latitude without commitment does not change the anchor point of viewers.

The Science Behind How to Win Influence and Persuade Subscribers ...


The persuasion method is also sometimes referred to as the persuasive tactic or persuasion strategy .

Power usage

There is the use of force in persuasion, which has no scientific theory, except for its use to make demands. The use of violence then is a precedent for the failure of less persuasive means. Implementation of this strategy can be interpreted as a threat because the persuader does not provide an option on request.

Weapon effect

Robert Cialdini, in Influence , his book on persuasion, defines six "signals of influence or weapon of influence": Influence is the process of change.


The principle of reciprocity states that when someone gives us something, we try to reciprocate. Reciprocity produces a sense of duty, which can be a powerful tool in persuasion. The rules of reciprocity are effective because they can be very strong and instill in us a sense of duty. Generally, we have a dislike for individuals who neglect to repay the favor or make payments when offering services or free gifts. As a result, reciprocity is a widely held principle. This social standard produces a very powerful persuasive technique, because it can produce unequal exchanges and can even apply to the uninvited first good.

Commitment and consistency

Consistency is an important aspect of persuasion because:

  1. is highly appreciated by the community,
  2. produces a useful approach to everyday life, and
  3. provides a valuable shortcut through the complexity of modern existence.

Consistency allows us to make informed decisions and process information more effectively. The concept of consistency suggests that someone who is committed to something, verbally or in writing, is more likely to honor that commitment. This is especially true for written commitments, since they appear psychologically more concrete and can create hard evidence. Someone who does an attitude tends to behave in accordance with that commitment. Commitment is an effective persuasive technique, because once you get someone to commit, they are more likely to engage in self-persuasion, give themselves and others with justification and justification to support their commitment to avoid dissonance. Cialdini notes Chinese brainwashing of American prisoners of war to rewrite their self-image and gain automatic compliance without coercion. Another example is children who are made to repeat the Pledge of Allegiance every morning and why marketers get you to close a popup by saying "I'll sign up later" or "No thanks, I'd rather not make money."

Social evidence

We, as human beings, are influenced by others around us; we want to do what others do. People often base their actions and beliefs on what other people do around them, how others act or what others trust.

"Strength of the crowd" is very effective. We all want to know what others are doing around us. We are so obsessed with what others do and how others act, that we then try to be just like everyone else. Cialdini gives a somewhat like this example: In phone-a-thon, the host says something like, "The operator is waiting, please call now." The only context you have in the statement is that the operator is waiting and not busy. Instead the host may say: "If the operator is busy, please call again." This is a social proof technique. Just by changing three words, it sounds like a busy channel and someone else is calling, so it must be a valuable organization.

Social evidence is most effective when people are unsure or when there is similarity in a situation. In an uncertain or ambiguous situation, when the possibilities create the choices we have to make, people tend to adapt to what others do. We become more influenced by the people around us in decision-making situations. Another effective situation for social examination is when there are similarities. We are more vulnerable to change or adjust to people similar to us. If someone similar to you is in control and a leader, you are more likely to listen and follow what they say.


This principle is simple and concise. People say "yes" to people they like. Two main factors contribute to overall similarity. The first is physical attraction. People who are physically attractive seem more persuasive. They get what they want and they can easily change the attitude of others. This attraction is proven to send a good message/impression of other qualities that a person may have, such as talent, virtue, and intelligence. The second factor is the similarity. We are more easily convinced by people we see similar to ourselves.


We have a tendency to believe that if an expert says something, then it must be true. People love listening to those who are knowledgeable and trustworthy, so if you can be those two things, then you're already on your way to get people to believe and listen to you.

In the Milgram study, a series of experiments began in 1961, a "teacher" and "learner" placed in two different rooms. The "learner" attaches to the electric armor that can manage shock. The "teacher" is notified by a supervisor, wearing a white-skinned mantle, to ask questions to the learner and punish him when he gets the wrong questions. The teacher is instructed by the study supervisor to provide electric shock from the panel under the control of the teacher. After delivery, the teacher must raise the voltage to the next level. Voltage rises up to 450 volts. The arrest of this experiment is that the teacher does not know that the learner is an actor who feigns pain he heard and is not really harmed. The experiment is done to see how we are obedient to authority. "When an official tells ordinary people, it is their duty to inflict harm, how much suffering will anybody who is accused of innocent people receive if instructions come from above?" In this study the results show that most teachers are willing to provide as much pain as is available to them. The conclusion is that people are willing to hurt others when they are directed to do so by some authority figure.


Scarcity can play an important role in the process of persuasion. When something has limited availability, people give more value. According to Cialdini, "people want more than they can not have." When scarcity is a problem, the context is important. This means that in some contexts, the scarcity "works" better. In order for people to believe that something is scarce, the marketer explains what about a particular product that provides what other products do not do. Marketers also make people believe that there is something rare by telling them what they will lose instead of what they will get - using statements like, "You will lose $ 5," rather than, "Save $ 5." There are two main reasons why the scarcity principle works:

  • When things are hard to come by, they are usually more valuable, so they can look like they have better quality.
  • When things become less available, we can lose the chance of getting them.

When this happens, we assign rare items or more value services simply because they are more difficult to obtain.

The principle is that we all want things that are beyond our reach. If we see something easily available, we do not want it as much as something very rare.


Machiavellianism uses manipulation and deceit tools to gain wealth and power.

Connection-based persuasion of Shell and Moussa

In their book The Art of Woo, G. Richard Shell and Mario Moussa present a four-step approach to strategic persuasion. They explain that persuasion means winning others, not to defeat them. So it's important to look at topics from different angles to anticipate others' reactions to the proposal.

Step 1: Observe the situation
This step includes an analysis of the persuasion situation, objectives, and challenges confronting persuaders in the organization.
Step 2: Face the five obstructions
Five obstacles pose the greatest risk for successful influence: relationships, credibility, communication mismatch, belief systems, and interests and needs.
Step 3: Create pitch
People need a good reason to justify a decision, but at the same time many decisions are made on the basis of intuition. This step also requires presentation skills.
Step 4: Secure commitments
To maintain the success of long-standing persuasive decisions, it is important to handle politics at both the individual and organizational levels.

List of methods

Dengan banding ke alasan:

  • Logika
  • Argumen logis
  • Retorika
  • Bukti ilmiah (bukti)
  • Metode ilmiah

By attracting emotions:

  • Advertising of Cosmetics
  • Presentation and Imagination
  • Poor
  • Propaganda
  • Psychological manipulation
  • Appeal
  • Tradition

Help for persuasion:

  • Body language
  • Communication skills or Rhetoric
  • Personality tests and conflict-style inventory help design strategies based on the preferred interaction style of the individual
  • Sales techniques

Other techniques:

  • Scams
  • Hypnosis
  • Power (social and political)
  • Subliminal advertising

Coercive techniques, some of which are highly controversial or not scientifically proven effective:

  • Brainwashing
  • Persuasion coercion
  • Force
  • Mind Control
  • Torture

Persuasion â€

In culture

Through the personal definition of the basic culture of persuasion that ordinary people understand how others try to influence them and then how they affect others. The dialogue around persuasion continues to grow because of the need to use persuasion in everyday life. Persuasive tactics traded in the community have influence from researchers, which can sometimes be misinterpreted. To maintain an evolutionary advantage, in the sense of wealth and survival, you must persuade and not be persuaded. To understand cultural persuasion, researchers gather knowledge from domains such as "buy, sell, advertise, and shop, and take care of children and courtship."

The methods of persuasion vary by culture, both in prevalence and effectiveness. For example, ads tend to attract different values ​​according to whether they are used in a collective or individual culture.

Persuasion Knowledge Model (PKM)

The Persuasion Knowledge Model (PKM) was created by Friestad and Wright in 1994. This framework allows researchers to analyze the process of acquiring and using knowledge of daily persuasion. The researchers suggest the need to include "relationships and interactions between people's daily knowledge and scientific knowledge about persuasion, advertising, sales, and marketing in general."

To educate the general population about research findings and new knowledge of persuasion, a teacher must utilize their pre-existing beliefs from popular persuasion to make relevant and informative research for the layman, creating a "blend of scientific insight and common sense."

As a result of this constant attachment, the problem of persuasion skill becomes messy. The status of expertise can be interpreted from various sources such as job titles, celebrities, or scholarships published.

It is through this multimodal process that we create concepts such as, "Stay away from car sellers, they will try to trick you." This type of persuasion technique that is openly used by car sellers creates their innate distrust in popular culture. According to Psychology Today, they use tactics ranging from making personal life relationships with customers to changing reality by handing customers new car keys before purchase.

Techniques Of Persuasion - YouTube


Attitude and persuasion is one of the central issues of social behavior. One of the classic questions is when attitude is a predictor of behavior. Previous research has shown that selective activation of the left prefrontal cortex may increase the likelihood that attitudes will predict relevant behaviors. Using lateral attention manipulation, this is supported.

A previous article suggests that the EEG size of the anterior prefrontal asymmetry may be a persuasive predictor. Study participants are presented with the preferred arguments and arguments against the attitudes they already hold. Those with more active brains in the left prafrontal areas said they paid the most attention to the statements they agreed to while those with the more active right-wing prefrontal areas said they were paying attention to disagreeable statements. This is an example of defensive repression, evasion or forgetting of unpleasant information. Studies have shown that the nature of defensive repression is associated with relative left prefrontal activation. Additionally, when pleasant or unpleasant words, perhaps analogous to agreement or disagreement, appear incidentally to the main task, the fMRI scan shows left prefrontal activation preferences for pleasant words.

Therefore, one way to increase persuasion seems to selectively activate the right prefrontal cortex. This is easy to do with monaural stimulation into the contralateral ear. The effect seems to depend on selective attention rather than just the source of stimulation. This manipulation has the expected result: more persuasion for messages coming from the left.

6 Persuasion principles for your work and personal life ...

See also

Quatermass EP | Opal Tapes


Art of Persuasion ~ GD Goenka World School Blog

Further reading

  • Cialdini, Robert B. "Utilizing Persuasion Science" (Archive). Harvard Business Review . October 2001.
  • Herbert I. Abelson, Persuasion, "How opinions and attitudes are changed" 1959
  • Richard E. Vatz, "The Only Authentic Persuasion Book" Kendall Hunt, 2013

15 Persuasion Lessons You can Learn From Amazon's Upsell Strategy

External links

Source of the article : Wikipedia
