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Harry Potter : My Hogwarts Staff Collection Part 7 - Snape ...

The following fictional characters are Hogwarts staff members and occupants in the book Harry Potter written by J. K. Rowling.

Video Hogwarts staff

Staff and their position

Maps Hogwarts staff

Leading teachers and staff members

The following are teachers and prominent staff members who do not have their own articles or those not listed in other articles.

Argus Filch

Argus Filch is the Hogwarts board. Although he is not a bad character, he is very angry, which makes him unpopular among students, and sometimes causes tension or despair with other teachers and staff. His knowledge of the secret and shortcuts of the castle is almost unchallenged, except perhaps by the users of the Marauder's Map (the Weasley twins, Harry, Ron and Hermione), and Voldemort himself. He tends to like a very sadistic punishment, and gladly aligns with Umbridge when he gives such punishment to the disciple. He has an obsessive dislike of mud, live toys, and all the other things that might interfere with his desire for clean and well-organized Hogwarts. He is also described to have a constant antagonism against Peeves the poltergeist and often tells Dumbledore that Peeves should be expelled from Hogwarts. He also likes to roam the Hogwarts corridor at night, perhaps in the hope of catching a student from the bed.

Filch was downgraded to Squib on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when Harry accidentally discovered that he was trying to teach himself the basic magic of the Kwikspell correspondence course. Nevertheless, Filch can at least use magic devices that have their own built-in magic, such as the Secret Sensor used in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince . This implies that his dislike of students may derive from his disappointment and jealousy for not being able to perform magic. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , the last book, as the school begins preparing for the Battle of Hogwarts, Filch is seen shouting that the students are getting out of bed. He was then seen supervising the evacuation of younger students.

Filch has a cat named Mrs. Norris to whom he has a special and possessive attachment. He acts as a hallway monitor or a spy for Filch. If he observes a student engaging in suspicious activity or getting out of bed after a curfew, he finds Filch and he arrives within seconds. He has been known to follow Hagrid wherever he goes at school, apparently under Filch's orders. According to J.K. Rowling, there's nothing special about Mrs Norris, besides being "just a smart (and unpleasant) cat." It is the ambition of many Hogwarts students to "give him a good kick". In the Chamber of Secrets incident, Mrs. Norris was temporarily frozen by the Basilisk, which caused extreme suffering to Filch.

David Bradley plays Filch in the film series. Mrs. Norris is played by a Maine Coon cat named Peebles.

Filius Flitwick

Filius Flitwick is the Mantra Masters at Hogwarts and the head of Ravenclaw's house. He's a very short man, like a dwarf. In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone he uses his magic skills to help decorate the Great Hall for Christmas. He is also one of the teachers who cast a spell to guard the Philosopher's Stone by placing spells on a hundred keys so they can fly, making it difficult to find the door lock that leads to the next room.

During Harry's second year, Flitwick helped Professor Sinistra carry Justin Finch-Fletchley who was petrified to the wing of the hospital. He taught the front door to recognize Sirius's image after the second break-in at Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban, and to lock immediately if he tried to enter. He helped patrol around. from the labyrinth to the third task of the Triwizard Tournament held in Harry's fourth year. He eventually wiped out most of the swamps made at school by Fred and George in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , though he had previously left an untouched swamp to harass Umbridge. However, he chose to leave a small patch behind, because he thought it was "a bit of a good magic" and a tribute to the Weasley twins. Near the end of Half-Blood Prince, Flitwick was sent by Professor McGonagall to ask Professor Snape to come help the Order of the Phoenix against the annoying Death Eaters. He collapsed after asking Snape for help in battle.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , Flitwick insists that Diadem Rowena Ravenclaw is lost, and he is portrayed by Harry (along with Dumbledore) as being a "model student" who should never enter the Hidden Hidden Room, and so it never occurred to him that the diadem could be hidden there. Before the Battle of Hogwarts, Flitwick helped to place a protective charm around the castle to obstruct Lord Voldemort and the upcoming Death Eaters, and then fight against the intruders in battle, combat Corban Yaxley and then defeat Dolohov.

In the film adaptation, Flitwick is described by Warwick Davis. Rowling said: "I have to admit, I was surprised when I saw Flitwick movie, which is very similar to goblin/elf (I never really asked the filmmaker what exactly he is), because Flitwick in my imagination just looks like an old man who very small. "However, Rowling mentioned on his official website that Flitwick is a human, with" a few goblin descendants. " Her on-screen appearance changed markedly in Harry Potter and Azkaban Prisoners, where she took a more human and less elf look, with her hair and a dark, slick mustache. According to Davis, the moustachio character was not originally Flitwick; Flitwick was absent from the script for Harry Potter and the Azkaban Prisoner, but the "producer" (probably David Heyman) added a new character (as a conductor of the school choir and orchestra, credited as "Choir Master") so Davis was still can appear in the movie. Goblet of Fire director Mike Newell prefers a new look, "and since then, the character is known as 'Flitwick'."

Flitwick was born on October 17, but the year of his birth was never mentioned in books or movies.

Gilderoy Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart is a Ravenclaw student who is a histrionic magician who has written many books about his delightful adventures that meet dark creatures. At Chamber of Secrets , Lockhart was appointed as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Hogwarts instructor. He was unpopular with most of the staff, especially Professor Snape. However, he is greatly admired by many others, especially magicians (including Hermione and Weasley mother Molly Weasley) who find it interesting. Harry disliked Lockhart for a number of reasons: his arrogance, his conviction that Harry had flown to Hogwarts in the car to seek further attention, his passion for sharing his signed photographs, and the problems he had with simple magic such as Harry's healed healing. arm (he accidentally removed all the bones of Harry's arm instead). Lockhart is exposed as a swindler and a coward as he tries to avoid entering the Chamber of Secrets by revealing to Harry and Ron that he has never made outstanding achievements documented in his books, instead of stealing other magicians' experiences and erasing their memories as he is gifted in Memory Charms. His attempt to use the Memory Charm on Harry and Ron backfired because he used Ron's broken rod, and he suffered almost total permanent amnesia as a result.

In the Order of the Phoenix , Harry finds Lockhart at St Mungo's when visiting Weasley's father Arthur Weasley at Christmas. Lockhart with childish pride can write in "combined letters". He still likes to sign autographs and still receives fan mail, though he does not know why. For his part, Harry felt little guilt for Lockhart's amnesia, but he comforted himself with the fact that it was Lockhart's own fault. Lockhart has never fully recovered, despite all attempts to heal him, and remains at St. Mungo with amnesia.

Rowling says Lockhart is the only character he has ever had based on real life. Lockhart was inspired by an uninformed acquaintance who was "even more inappropriate than his fictional counterparts" and "used to telling big defeats about his past life, all designed to show how great people are incredible, brave and brilliant."

Kenneth Branagh plays Lockhart in the movie version of Chamber of Secrets. In the scene after the final credits, his latest book is sold at Diagon Alley; titled Who Am I? , it features a humorous humming picture and a tight jacket.

Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall was deputy headmaster, head of Gryffindor House, professor of Transfiguration, and then Principal at Hogwarts, where he began teaching in December 1956. He was first introduced in the opening chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, when he met Dumbledore in Privet Drive Number 4, Little Whinging, Surrey (home of Harry's aunt and uncle, Vernon and Petunia Dursley). McGonagall is described as a tall, rather severe woman, with black hair usually drawn into tight bread. She wore an emerald green robes, a pointy hat, and always had a very primitive expression. He spoke with a slight Scottish accent. He, according to Rowling, is 70 years old. McGonagall wore square glasses that matched the marks around his eye shape Animagus from the British Shorthair silver cat cat; it has the distinction of being the first Animagus introduced in the series and to be one of the few Animagi listed in this century, though it is rarely seen using its abilities. Harry's immediate impression of him is that he will not be crossed. He has a fondness for tartan, and his handkerchief, at least one hat, a change of clothes, and a robes are patterned with it. In the films, McGonagall often wears a Scottish brooch from a certain Scottish style set with Cairngorm earthworms and Scottish agate.

In the first book, after seeing Harry fly profusely for the first time on a broom, he recommends him to fill the Seeker position on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and send him a broom, even though the first year students are usually forbidden to play sports or have brooms. Despite the fact that he can often be heard to warn Lee Jordan's biased comments when commenting on the Hogwart Quidditch match, it is often implicitly revealed that McGonagall himself is an avid Quidditch fan, resulting in several occasions dropping his usual attitude. Furthermore, despite a strict discipline, he often helps Harry indirectly with activities that are not fully in Hogwarts rules; for example, he allows Harry and his friends to use the Transfiguration room to practice for the task in the Triwizard Tournament. He promises Harry that he will do anything in his power to help him achieve his goal of becoming an auror, and he keeps his promise. Despite his stern front, McGonagall proved to have good intentions at heart and has been known to display a variety of emotions, which can often be a surprise to his colleagues and students.

This was revealed in the Order of the Phoenix that McGonagall was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. He and Umbridge seem to dislike each other, as Umbridge continually seizes more power from the staff and from Dumbledore and McGonagall in particular. McGonagall quietly refuses, vowing to help Harry's lukewarm desire to become an auror especially to rule out Umbridge, and to ignore and even quietly help Peeves and the students in their destructive jokes. When McGonagall tried to stop Umbridge and his fellow ministers from unjustly taking Hagrid away by force, he was struck by four amazing spells without warning, before he could draw his wand, but Hagrid managed to escape because of his massive inheritance. Unconsciously, he was rushed to St Mungo, where he recovered for a while. McGonagall returns to school towards the end of the book, though he temporarily uses a stick. After Dumbledore's death at Half-Blood Prince , he became Principal at Hogwarts.

However, in the final series, he did not become the principal at the start of the semester as expected; Snape was appointed by the new Minister of Thickness of Magic, who was actually under the Imperius Curse and acted for Voldemort. Death eater Alecto Carrow replaces McGonagall as deputy principal. Despite many changes, he was retained as head of the Gryffindor House. Before the Battle of Hogwarts, he goes to the Ravenclaw tower and finds Alecto stunned by Luna and Amycus Carrow looking for Harry. He was surprised when the Amycus told him that Voldemort warned them that Harry would try to enter the Ravenclaw Tower, proudly telling him that Harry had nothing to do with the Ravenclaw Tower, because Harry was in his house, Gryffindor. When Amycus suggested to blame the students to compensate for his sister's situation, McGonagall immediately intervened. In response, Amycus spit in his face. Harry, who is present and hidden beneath his invisibility cloak, reveals himself and uses the Cruciatus Curse on the Amycus. Harry then tells McGonagall that Voldemort is on his way and after tying both Carrows and placing them in the net, he sends three Patronus - who manifest into a cat - to warn the other three Head Houses. While on his way to see the Head of House, he meets Snape, who asks him about Harry's whereabouts. Unaware that Snape is a rededicated agent acting for the good side and not knowing that he has any important information for Harry, he attacks him, engaging in a fierce duel. With the help of Professor Sprout and Flitwick, he manages to drive Snape away. McGonagall then takes over the school again and proceeds to secure him against Voldemort to ensure Harry can fulfill his mission from Dumbledore. He also arranged the evacuation of underage school students to ensure their safety. He then led the remaining students, Hogwarts staff, and members of the Order of the Phoenix in the war against Voldemort. He was seen during a battle with a large wound on his cheek and ordered a dazzling table herd to be charged in Death Eaters. When Harry had been killed, he shouted, causing Bellatrix Lestrange to laugh. Finally, McGonagall finally dueled with Voldemort with Kingsley Shacklebolt and Professor Slughorn. As confirmed in The Tales of Beedle the Bard , McGonagall became Principal of Hogwarts after the Battle of Hogwarts and Snape's death; However, in an interview, Rowling said McGonagall would retire at the Deathly Hallows epilogue (19 years after the main events of Deathly Hallows ), as he "gets in the year".

McGonagall is played by Dame Maggie Smith in film adaptation. Smith described his role as "Miss Jean Brodie in a wizard's hat". Given that his role was getting smaller as the series continued, he noted that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone were his favorites. Smith appeared in all series films except for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 , which did not happen at Hogwarts. Rowling has stated that she always imagined Smith describing McGonagall, and claiming the actress was on the top list.

Rowling named the character after poet (and tragedy) William McGonagall, whose name he likes. Her first name, Minerva, came from the Roman goddess of wisdom.

Poppy Pomfrey

Madam Poppy Pomfrey is the only Magical Healer from Hogwarts hospital wing. She is loyal, highly skilled, uninformed and silent about her patients, and very strict about the rules at her clinic.

Harry ends up under his care quite often. At Philosopher's Stone , he spent three unconscious days in the hospital wing after a confrontation with Professor Quirrell. At the Chamber of Secrets he spent a painful night by regenerating the bone in his arm, after Gilderoy Lockhart disappeared, much to Pomfrey's pique. In Prisoner of Azkaban , he tends to Harry twice; once after the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff and one time after the Shrieking Shack incident. He spoke approvingly of Lupine's chocolate recipe to reduce the effects of dementor attendance on students, commenting that Hogwarts had "finally gotten a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who knew the cure". In Goblet of Fire , he treats Harry twice; once for a dragon attack and once after a confrontation with Voldemort. At Half-Blood Prince he tends to Harry after his skull is broken by Bludgers in a Quidditch match.

Others who end up under his care expose more of his personality. In the Secret Chamber, Hermione ends up at the hospital wing for a month after an accident with Polyjuice Potion leaves the cat halfway. Pomfrey is careful to keep this secret. In the Order of the Phoenix , after Umbridge's henchman McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey said he would resign in protest if he was not afraid of what would happen to the students without his presence. In Half-Blood Prince he tries to heal Bill from his scar from Greyback's attack without much success, and bursts into tears when he hears Dumbledore's death. In Deathly Hallows , he and Filch oversee the evacuation of Hogwarts before the battle. He was then seen taking care of the wounded fighters.

Gemma Jones muncul sebagai Madam Pomfrey dalam film adaptasi Chamber of Secrets , Half Blood Prince , dan Deathly Hallows - Bagian 2 .

Quirinus Quirrell

Quirinus Quirrell was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts during Harry's first year and secretly a follower of Lord Voldemort. Before working at Hogwarts, he was told by Hagrid to have a "brilliant mind", and was a good teacher while learning from books; some time before Harry's arrival at Hogwarts, "he took a year off to get first hand experience". Rowling stated in a live web chat on July 30, 2007 that Quirrell had worked at Hogwarts as a Muggle Studies teacher for a certain period of time, before taking a Defense Against the Dark Arts position in the same year that Harry joined. There's a rumor that he's met a vampire in the Black Forest and one in Romania, and he seems to have a "bad problem with a woman". After that, he was 'never the same' - upon his return, he seemed constantly nervous and had developed nervous and nervous tics and Hagrid was able to say even before the beginning of autumn that he was "afraid of students, afraid of his own subject". Quirrell's outfit included a new purple turban he claimed to have received as a gift from the African prince for getting rid of the troubled zombie. Fred and George constantly joked that the turban was full of garlic to ward off vampires and in one part they even lured snowballs to hit him. According to JK Rowling, Quirrell taught Muggle Studies before Harry studied at Hogwarts, which explains why he was a teacher before but at the same time only a one year Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Harry first meets Quirrell at Leaky Cauldron, while escorted by Hagrid to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies. Quirrell is further seen at Hogwarts talking to Snape in the early dinner, and then regularly while teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons. During a Halloween party at school, Quirrell appeared in the Great Hall to alert staff and students about the trolls in the basement and then he passed out, so he could freely walk down the corridor of the third floor where the hidden Stone. Snape who, it seems, had guessed Quirrell was planning something, went to the third floor to stop him. In the later novels, readers know that Dumbledore has told Snape to supervise the DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts) professor. Quirrell can not reach Stone, but in the process, Snape is bitten by Fluffy. When Harry and his friends see Snape been bitten, they begin to suspect Snape chases the Stone for himself. While playing Quidditch, Harry is almost thrown from a broom by some kind of curse and he, Ron, and Hermione believe Snape is in charge. They begin to suspect that Snape tried to steal a Stone hidden in a secret chamber at Hogwarts; However, when Harry finally arrives in the room, he discovers that it is not Snape, but Quirrell, who is a real villain.

During his travels in Europe, Quirrell discovers the almost dead Voldemort, who has been hiding ever since he failed to kill Harry as a baby. Quirrell was interested in Voldemort's offer of power, and returned to England with the Dark Lord. Quirrell addresses and refers to Lord Voldemort by that name, rather than "The Dark Lord" as other Death Eaters do. Initially, Voldemort allowed Quirrell to act autonomously - Quirrell was able to shake hands with Harry at Leaky Cauldron, and not wear a turban, which meant that Voldemort did not have it (though this was a change in the film version, where Quirrell wears a turban at Leaky Cauldron and refuses to shook Harry's hand). Voldemort first used Quirrell in a plan to steal the Sorcerer's Stone from his safe at Gringotts Bank, where the money was kept for Dumbledore's deposit. But Dumbledore had sent Hagrid on a mission to pick up Stone, which he did when he and Harry shopped at Diagon Alley, after they met Quirrell at Leaky Cauldron.

Voldemort, as a punishment for Quirrell's failure to secure the Rock of Gringotts, decided to keep an eye on his new servant. He picked up Quirrell's body, which caused his face to appear behind Quirrell's head. To hide this, Quirrell took his turban. To keep Voldemort alive, Quirrell had to kill the unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, drinking their blood to provide a temporary survival force for Voldemort. Quirrell then reveals that he was the one who let the troll and tried to throw Harry out of his broom while Snape mumbled a counter-curse. During the climax of the story, as Harry and Quirrell attempt to recover the Stone from the Vivid Mirror, Voldemort reveals himself behind Quirrell's head, previously hidden by the turban, and speaks directly to Harry, threatening to kill him if he does not help Voldemort in recovering him. After Harry refused, Quirrell tried to seize Stone by force. Voldemort orders Quirrell to attack Harry, who holds Quirrell long enough for help in the form of Dumbledore to arrive, at which point Voldemort flees, in his non-physical form. The departure of Voldemort, as well as the suffering he suffered because of his contact with Harry, who continued to be protected by his mother's love and the mantra cast by him sacrificed his life to save Harry, caused Quirrell to die, then Dumbledore's Comment that Voldemort was equally merciless to his followers against his enemies.

Before he died, Quirrell told Harry about the rivalry between his father, the late James Potter, and Snape: "Do not you know? Snape went to school with your father, they hated each other."

The movie version's climax ends slightly differently: When Quirrell attacked him, Harry's blood protection, provided by his mother's sacrifice from his own life to save him, allowed Harry to kill Quirrell himself. Harry discovers that when he makes direct contact with Quirrell, it immediately produces a burning effect. In the final attack, Harry places his hand on Quirrell, which burns into crushed ashes. Voldemort's spirit form made Harry unconscious before running away.

Although the first name Quirrel is never mentioned in the novel, this character is given the first name "Quirinus" in the official Harry Potter Trading Card Game.

British actor Ian Hart plays Quirrell in the film adaptation of the book.

Horace Slughorn

Horace Slughorn is a long-serving Potions teacher and Head of the Slytherin House at least since the 1940s, until his retirement after the 1981-82 school year. After Voldemort's retirement and resurrection, Slughorn hides, hiding all knowledge of his existence from both sides in the growing conflicts of the wizarding world. However, after Snape's move to Defense Against the Dark Arts, Dumbledore locates Slughorn and uses Harry as an impulse to convince him to return to the Teaching Potion. Slughorn is described as being a "rear driver", getting things he wants by using his contacts, especially students he invites to "Slug Clubs", a group of students favored by Slughorn, based on their connections. to important people (a kind of cronyism) or belief that they have a talent that will make them important and famous when they leave school (meritocracy). He was one of the first Slytherin characters to oppose the stereotype of the house and was portrayed in a somewhat positive light: while he was serving himself rather than over the bowing rules, he lacked the closeness and cheating which, until then, has characterized the house. She did not hate the status of blood in general, and admitted a pleasant surprise when she found a talented Muggle-born, like Hermione or, many years earlier, Harry Lily Potter's mother, one of her favorite disciples of all time. Also, Slughorn primarily displays no pride, but is embarrassed to have helped young Tom Marvolo Riddle do some of his most famous and memorable magical abilities, as Riddle has questioned Slughorn about the Horcrux. However, the students he deems unimportant, he ignores, as if they were not there.

At Half-Blood Prince , Harry was invited to the first Slug Club meeting held at Hogwarts Express. Slughorn sets less stringent entry criteria for the Advanced Potion of its predecessor, lowering the required value of the Perfect O (Extraordinary) to the above average E (Over Expectations). This last-minute change allowed Harry and Ron to take Potion at the NEWT level. However, since Harry had not expected to be allowed to attend the course, he did not have the necessary material, and Slughorn lent an old textbook until Harry could get his own book. Later, Harry bought a new copy of Advanced Potion-Making from Flourish and Blotts, but replaced the cover and returned a new book. During his first class, Slughorn offered a small number of Felix Felicis to students who made the best pot of Death Life Draft. Harry wins with the help of handwritten notes in the loan textbook, which Snape used to belong to, without his knowledge. When Ron becomes the victim of a powerful love potion, Slughorn manages his antidote, but then almost kills him with poisonous poisonous drink, not knowing that the bottle has been planted by Draco Malfoy in an attempt to kill Dumbledore. Harry then uses Felix Felicis to help retrieve the memory of Slughorn detailing the conversations between professor and Riddle about the Horcrux as well as the possibility of creating more than one Horcrux.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , Slughorn briefly appeared with the other teachers who gathered to fight Death Eaters. Since Snape is now Principal, Slughorn once again occupies the position of Chief Slytherin. Although he initially hesitated to join the Battle of Hogwarts and assumed to have been evacuated with his home, he returned to the commotion later. It was revealed that he had not fled, but had recruited a large number of troops to fight for Hogwarts. He then summoned the courage to duel with Voldemort, along with McGonagall and Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Slughorn is played by Jim Broadbent in the film adaptations of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 .

Pomona Sprout

Pomona Sprout is a Professor of Herbology and Hufflepuff's Head of Home. He is described as a small wizard with a gray hair on a fleece wearing a patch of cap and frayed and shabby robes, often covered with ground as he spends time treating plants in Hogwarts greenhouses. Sprout was introduced at Philosopher's Stone , but he did not play an active role until the Chamber of Secrets , where he taught his second year students to work with Mandrake plants. He is responsible for raising Mandrakes to full maturity, at which point their juices are used to revive the fearsome basilisk victims.

Sprout later appeared in Goblet of Fire where, as Head of Hufflepuff House, he entertained Amos Diggory and his wife after the death of their son, Hufflepuff student Cedric Diggory, whom he knew well. In the Order of the Phoenix , Sprout is a non-vocal proponent of Harry's story about Voldemort's resurrection. Like many teachers at Hogwarts, she hates Umbridge's presence and does her best not to obey. After the Hogwarts raid on Half-Blood Prince , Sprout is a staunch supporter of keeping Hogwarts open. He also supports the suggestion that Dumbledore should be buried at Hogwarts. Sprout attends Dumbledore's funeral, where he looks cleaner than he has ever seen before.

In Deathly Hallows, he pursues Snape from Hogwarts with Professors McGonagall and Flitwick. Informing that Voldemort and his Death Eaters came to besiege Hogwarts, he used his knowledge of the magical plant with offensive botanical improvisations, and, with the help of some students, threw Mandrakes, Snargaluff pods, and Venomous Tentaculas from the castle walls upon approaching Death Eaters. The Epilogue Deathly Hallows reveals that Neville has become a new Herbology teacher at Hogwarts. Sprout's departure from work was not disclosed.

Sprout is portrayed by Miriam Margolyes in the film adaptation of the Chamber of Secrets and Deathly Hallows - Part 2 .

Sybill Trelawney

Sybill Patricia Trelawney is the teacher of Divination. He is a great-grandchild of the famous Seer, Cassandra Trelawney, and has inherited some of his ancestral talents. Trelawney is described as a small, insect-like woman, wrapped in a large scarf and many striking bracelets and rings. She spoke in a jaunty voice and wore thick glasses, which made her eyes appear very enlarged. The odd classroom in the North Tower of Hogwarts is a cross between "one's attic and an old teahouse"; it can only be reached by climbing to the top of the stairs and then up the stairs through the trapdoor on the ceiling. The dim, strong-scented, and "stifling" room often affects students' awareness.

Professor Trelawney first appeared in the third book of the series, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione began the lesson of divination. Friends generally believe that Professor Trelawney is a con artist. However, Gryffindor Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown students were very fond of and impressed by her. According to Professor McGonagall, her credibility as Seer is marred by her habit of mistakenly predicting, each year, the death of one of her students. His deeper predictions seem to occur only when he is possessed and does not realize what he is saying, without remembering it afterwards. However, most of his predictions are then proved true in the books even if he is not in a trance.

Before the events of the book Harry Potter , Professor Trelawney fell into prophetic prophecy during an interview with Dumbledore at Hog's Head, prophesied about the birth of a magician "with the power to conquer" Voldemort. This prophecy is partly heard by Snape, who tells what he hears to Voldemort. This led to Voldemort attacking the Potter family, believing that Harry was a child named. In Harry Potter and Azkaban Defenders , Professor Trelawney prophesied to Harry about the book's climax. In the Phoenix Order , Professor Trelawney first undergone probation by Umbridge, and then fired. However, Professor Trelawney continued to be in the Hogwarts castle because of Dumbledore's order, who believed he would be in danger beyond Hogwarts for the predictions he made during the interview. Dumbledore then reveals that his prediction is why he continues to employ him as a Forecasted teacher. Professor Trelawney again taught at Half-Blood Prince , but had to share a class with Firenze, as he was expelled by fellow centaurs when he agreed to replace Professor Trelawney after he was fired, which he thought was anger. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , he looks to help in the Battle of Hogwarts by miraculously accelerating his crystal ball at Death Eaters. He uses one of these crystal balls to defend the injured Lavender against the werewolf attack of Fenrir Greyback. In the adaptation film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 , he looks to cover one's body, with the help of Padma Patil.

In the English edition of the books, his name is consistently spelled as "Sybill". In the American edition, from his first appearance on Prisoner of Azkaban via the Order of the Phoenix, his name is spelled as "Sibyll". However, in the American edition of Half-Blood Prince , it is spelled back as "Sybill", matching the English edition.

Profesor Trelawney digambarkan oleh Emma Thompson di Prisoner of Azkaban , Orde Phoenix , dan Deathly Hallows Part 2 .

Hogwarts Professors by Belegilgalad on DeviantArt

Hogwarts ghosts

Hogwarts houses at least twenty ghosts, [HP1] but when people in the novel talk about ghosts at Hogwarts they usually refer to one of the four ghosts of the Hogwarts householder: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington (or , as the students referred to him, Nearly Headless Nick), the almost-decapitated ghost of the Gryffindor house; Bloody Baron, who is the ghost of Slytherin's house; Friar Fat cheerfully, who is the ghost of Hufflepuff's house; and Gray Lady, who is the ghost of Ravenclaw's house. These ghosts seem to act as something like advisors and helpers to the students; Nick often helps Harry in times of uncertainty or crisis.

Despite the hostility between the houses, each ghost they get along well with each other. Nearly Headless Nick spoke lovingly to Bloody Baron and claimed that he could not imagine starting a fight with him, while Friar Fat pleaded on behalf of Peeves the Poltergeist to allow him to come to a welcoming party despite his past mistakes. During Deathly Hallows , Nick protected Helena and only reluctantly told Harry how to find her.

The Bloody Baron

The Bloody Baron is the ghost of Slytherin House. He is the only person other than Dumbledore and Fred and George who can exert control over Peeves poltergeist; Peeves is afraid of him for some unknown reason, referring to him as "Your Bloodiness" and "Mr. Baron".

The Baron nickname stems from the fact that he is covered in blood, which looks silvery in the shape of his spirit. When Nearly Headless Nick is asked in the first book why the Baron is so bloody, Nick cautiously remarks that "he never asked". However, this is described in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, when Helena Ravenclaw (Gray Woman) tells Harry that the Baron has loved her when both are alive, and when she runs away with her mother's diadem, Rowena Ravenclaw sends Baron after her , knowing he will not stop until Helena is found. When Helena refuses to return with him, however, the Baron kills her in anger, and then, in regret, commits suicide with the same weapon. He has haunted Hogwarts ever since, wearing a ghost chain as a form of penance.

Terence Bayler plays Baron in the first film. Unlike his book counterparts, Baron is very cheerful in the movie, playing through Sorting party with his sword, much entertainment for the people inside his house.

The Fat Friar

The Fat Friar is the ghost of Hufflepuff House. He is a cheerful and very forgiving person, often suggesting that Peeves be given another chance, or be forgiven for every accident.

Simon Fisher-Becker muncul sebagai Fat Friar dalam film adaptasi Philosopher's Stone .

The Grey Lady

The Gray Lady is the ghost of Ravenclaw House. According to a letter written by Rowling to Nina Young, the actress who plays Gray Lady in the first film, she is "a very intellectual young woman.... She never finds true love because she never finds a man according to her standards. ".

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows reveals that the Gray Lady is Helena Ravenclaw , Rowena Ravenclaw's daughter, making her the only ghost home known to be associated with one of the founders of Hogwarts.. He tells Harry that he stole Diadem Ravenclaw from his mother, in an attempt to become smarter than him, and then hide in Albania. It was Rowena Ravenclaw's dying wish to see her daughter again, so she sent Bloody Baron to look for her, knowing that she would not rest until she brought her back, partly because she fell in love with him. However, he refused to come with the Baron and, in a moment of blind rage, he killed him with a stab wound to his chest. Overcome with regret, the Bloody Baron kills himself by using the same weapon in turn and uses the chain as regret, "as he should," said the Gray Lady. The diadem remained in a tree valley in the Albanian forest until Tom Riddle captured the story from his ghost, The Gray Woman. Riddle, who had searched for historically important objects to be made Horcrux, then took a diadem from Albania and hid it in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts while visiting the castle a few years later.

In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Nina Young plays Gray Lady, and in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2, she is played by Kelly Macdonald.

Almost No Nick's Head

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington KG , often referred to as Nickless Headless Nick , Nick , or Sir Nicholas , is the ghost of Gryffindor House who in life was sentenced to death by beheading after a tooth-mending spell into chaos at Lady Grieve. Unfortunately, the hangman's ax is dull and Nick's head is still attached to his neck with a thin piece of skin after 45 chops. Harry befriended Nick when he attended his "day of death" (the 500th anniversary of the show) at Hogwarts dungeon. Nick's death date (October 31, 1492) has a difference because it has become the basis for the whole chronology of the Harry Potter story, until the timeline is confirmed by the headstone of James and Lily in Harry Potter. and the Deathly Hallows . Her greatest desire is to become a member of Headless Hunt, as mentioned in the second book. However, he was expelled for the fact that he was not completely headless ("he was almost headless") and would never be able to fully participate in activities (such as "Polo Chief").

In the Secret Chamber, Nick is the victim of the Basilisk that Ginny Weasley releases under the influence of Tom Riddle. Basilisk's gaze is deadly to anyone who sees it directly in the eye. All living sacrifices fulfill their views indirectly, either from reflection or by looking through something else, and just petrified rather than being killed. Nick is the only one looking directly at the Basilisk, but he's also scared because he is a ghost and can not die anymore. Nick also protects Hufflepuff's pupil, Justin Finch-Fletchley, from death after Justin sees the basilisk's eyes through Nick's transparent body, so just burn it as well.

The character reappears in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix as Harry seeks consolation over Sirius's death, wishing he could see him later as a ghost. Nick explains that only witches and witches who are afraid of dying and refusing to go can become ghosts, destroying Harry's hopes of communicating with Sirius. He appeared briefly in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, when Harry asked him to take him to Gray Lady.

The character is depicted in the series film by John Cleese, and only appears in the first two films.

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founder of Hogwarts

Hogwarts founded the last millennium (a date not known exactly) by "the four greatest wizards and witches of the age": [HP2] Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. The founder served as Hogwarts' first teacher, and each Hogwarts home was named after one of the founders.

Godric Gryffindor

Godric Gryffindor is one of four founders of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He befriends both Salazar Slytherin but they have conflicting ideas as Salazar believes no muggle-born should be accepted into Hogwarts. "Godric Gryffindor is the most capable duet of his time, an enlightened warrior against the Muggle-discrimination and the first owner of the Celebrated Hats of Selection."

Its famous relic is a goblin-made sword adorned with rubies, also known as the "Gryffindor Sword" and the Sorting Hat. Both objects have a certain bond: whenever a Gryffindor student needs it, it will appear in the Sorting Hat. Gryffindor is said to praise courage, determination, and heart power above all other qualities. He is also the most accepting to allow Muggle birth to school.

Helga Hufflepuff

Helga Hufflepuff comes from a vast valley. The Sorting Hat describes it as "Good Hufflepuff" or "Sweet Hufflepuff". He likes loyalty, honesty, and dedication. In Goblet of Fire , he is said to have considered "hardworking is almost always most deserving". Elsewhere, he is described as taking "everything else" from the student after selection by his peers. She is a good friend of Rowena Ravenclaw; Their friendship was used to emphasize the failed friendship between Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin.

"One of Hogwarts' four famous coaches, Hufflepuff is well known for his dexterity in food-related Charms Many of the recipes traditionally served at Hogwarts are from Hufflepuff." His wizard card, written by Rowling, describes him as "bringing people from different walks of life together to help build Hogwarts", and "loved for his charming way." According to an interview between Rowling and staff from Leaky Cauldron, Hufflepuff introduced the house-elf to Hogwarts, where he offered them protection. Both the famous wizards and illustrations cards on Rowling's website describe him as a plump woman with red hair.

One of Hufflepuff's relics, a small gold cup decorated with his badge, was dropped to his distant offspring, Hepzibah Smith. This cup is stolen by Riddle (then Voldemort) and made into Horcrux. The Hufflepuff Cup was destroyed by Hermione who stabbed him with a basilisk fangs at Deathly Hallows.

Rowena Ravenclaw

Rowena Ravenclaw is a wizard famous for his ingenuity and creativity, and portrayed by Xenophilius Lovegood as beautiful. The Sorting Hat introduced him as "Fair Ravenclaw, from glen", showing he was from Scotland. Ravenclaw devised an elaborate floor plan and moved the stairs at Hogwarts castle, and created the proverbial "Great is the greatest treasure of man." Ravenclaw is described by the Sorting Hat as a student chosen according to his intelligence and wisdom. "Rowena Ravenclaw was the most brilliant magician of his time, although legend has it that a broken heart - which causes unknown - contributed to his earlier death." It is revealed in the Deathly Hallows that the heartbreak contributed to his death is the possibility of the disappearance of his daughter, Helena Ravenclaw, who, in fact, the Ravenclaw Ghost House (nicknamed The Gray Lady), and the lost diadem, where the surprising wisdom of Ravenclaw is attributed.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry knows that Ravenclaw's artifacts become Horcruxes: his lost diadem, which provides increased wisdom to the wearer. The Ravenclaw Diadem was destroyed near the end of the book as a result of Fiendfyre's exposure summoned by Vincent Crabbe, who was killed in the process while attempting to control the fire.

Salazar Slytherin

Salazar Slytherin is described as power-hungry by the Sorting Hat, and is known as the "intelligent slytherin of fen". Salazar Slytherin was one of the first recorded Parselmouths, legendary Legilimens, and a champion of pure blood supremacy. "Slytherin is the only founder whose physical appearance has ever been described in detail, his statue in the Chamber of Secrets depicting an ancient man and like a monkey, with a long thin beard that fell almost to the underside of his robes. "According to Dumbledore, the qualities Slytherin rewards in his own chosen pupils include his rare ability to speak Parseltongue, reason, and determination.He also chooses his disciples according to his ingenuity, ambition, and blood purity. Slytherin's first name is a reference to the Portuguese dictator mid-20th century named AntÃÆ'³nio de Oliveira Salazar - Rowling's stay in the country (where his presence still felt long after the dictatorship era) inspired this choice of names.

Slytherin's background was first discussed by Professor Binns at Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (and by Professor McGonagall in the film version and Professor Flitwick in computer games). He describes the establishment of the school and the growing split between Slytherin and the other founders, and he mentions that the fortress was erected far from the Muggles because, at that time, ordinary people are afraid of witchcraft and torturing the alleged wizards and wizards. Slytherin wants to learn magic is limited to all magical families, because he believes Muggle-born students can not be trusted and he does not like teaching such students. According to ancient legend, Slytherin is responsible for the construction of the Chamber of Secrets. This space contains a magical creature, the Basilisk, vulnerable to being controlled by its Parselmouth descendants and leaving to clear the school of all Muggle births. This happened shortly before the dispute between the four founders broke out and resulted in Slytherin's departure.

Salazar Slytherin's pendant, relegated to his family, turned into a Horcrux by his descendant Voldemort and destroyed by Ron at Deathly Hallows.

In June 2016, J.K. Rowling reveals to Pottermore that the Slytherin stick contains basilisk horn pieces, and is taught by its creator to "sleep" when instructed, meaning that it can put others who have sticks in their sleep from which they can only be awakened by the cries of the boy's children. This secret is passed down through the centuries to every member of the Slytherin family who owns it. In the 1600s it belonged to the Irish wizard Gormlaith Gaunt, though in about 1620 it was stolen by his 17-year-old nephew Isolt Sayre, who fled to Massachusetts, where he founded the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He buried a stick outside the schoolyard, and within a year, an unknown snake tree species grew from the cemetery. It rejects all attempts to prune or kill it, but after a few years the leaves are found to contain powerful medicinal properties.

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External links

  • Professor at Harry Potter Wiki, an external wiki
  • The Harry Potter Lexicon page at Hogwarts Staff
  • The Hogwarts Project - Hogwarts Teachers

Source of the article : Wikipedia
