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Karen L. Cox | Biography Guidelines

A biography , or just bio , is a detailed description of a person's life. It involves more than just basic facts such as education, work, relationships, and death; it describes one's experience of this life event. Unlike the profile or curriculum vitae (rÃÆ' Â © sumÃÆ' Â ©), the biography presents the subject's life story, highlighting various aspects of his life, including details of intimate experiences, and may include personality analysis of the subject.

Biographical works are usually non-fiction, but fiction can also be used to describe a person's life. An in-depth form of biographical coverage is called the inheritance. Works in a variety of media, from literature to film, forming a genre known as biography.

An official biography is written with permission, cooperation, and sometimes, subject participation or subject heirs. An autobiography is written by the person himself, sometimes with the help of a collaborator or author for others.

Video Biography


At first, biographical writings were considered only as part of history with a focus on certain individuals of historical interest. Independent genres of different biographies from general historical writing, began to emerge in the 18th century and reached its contemporary form at the turn of the 20th century.

Biography history

One of the earliest biographers was Cornelius Nepos, who published his work ("The life of the extraordinary generals") in 44 BC. A longer and longer biography written in Greek by Plutarch, in his book Parallel Lives, was published about 80 AD In this work the famous Greeks were paired with famous Romans, such as orators Demosthenes and Cicero, or the generals Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar; about fifty biographies of the work survived. Another well-known ancient collection of ancient biographies is the De vita Caesarum ("On Emperor's Life") by Suetonius, written around the year 121 at the time of Emperor Hadrian.

In the early Middle Ages (400 to 1450 AD), there was a decline in awareness of classical culture in Europe. During this time, the only repository of early knowledge and historical records in Europe was from the Roman Catholic Church. Hermit, monks, and priests use this historic period to write biographies. Their subjects are usually confined to church fathers, martyrs, popes, and saints. Their works are meant to be an inspiration for people and vehicles for conversion to Christianity (see Hagiography). One of the most important secular examples of a biography of this period is the life of Charlemagne by the courtier Einhard.

In the Medieval Islamic Civilization (about 750 to 1258), similar traditional Muslim biographies and other prominent figures in early Islamic history began to be written, starting the tradition of the Prophet's biography. An early biography dictionary was published as a compendium of well-known Islamic figures from the 9th century onwards. They contain more social data for most populations than other works during that period. Early earliest biographies initially focus on the life of the prophets of Islam and their friends, with one of these early examples is the Book of Classes by Ibn Sa'd al-Baghdadi. And then began to document the lives of many other historical figures (from rulers to clerics) who lived in the medieval Islamic world.

In the late Middle Ages, biographies became less church-oriented in Europe because biographies of kings, knights, and tyrants began to emerge. The most famous biography is Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory. The book is a story about the life of the famous King Arthur and the Round Table Knights. After Malory, a new emphasis on humanism during the Renaissance promoted a focus on secular subjects, such as artists and poets, and encouraged writing in everyday language.

Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists (1550) is a landmark biography that focuses on secular life. Vasari makes her subject's celebrity, because Life is the earliest "bestsellers". Two other developments are noteworthy: the development of the printing press in the fifteenth century and the gradual increase of literacy.

Biography in English began to emerge during the reign of Henry VIII. John Foxe Actes and Monuments (1563), better known as the Foxe Book of Martyrs , is basically the first dictionary of biography in Europe, followed by Thomas Fuller The History Worthies of England (1662), with a different focus on public life.

Influential in shaping the popular concept of pirates, General History of Pyrates (1724), by Charles Johnson, is the primary source for the biography of many famous pirates.

The American biography follows the English model, combining Thomas Carlyle's view that biography is part of history. Carlyle asserts that great human life is essential to understanding society and its institutions. While historical impulses will remain a powerful element in early American biography, American writers carve out different approaches. What emerges is a rather didactic form of biography, which seeks to shape the individual character of a reader in the process of defining a national character.

The emergence of the genre

The first modern biography, and a work that had a major influence on the evolution of the genre, was James Boswell Samuel Johnson's life, Samuel Johnson's biography of lexicographer and literature published in 1791 While Boswell's personal acquaintance with his subject began only in 1763, when The 54-year-old Johnson, Boswell covers Johnson's entire life using additional research. It itself is an important stage in the development of the modern biographical genre, has been claimed as the largest biography written in English. Boswell's work is unique in his research level, involving archive studies, eyewitness accounts and interviews, strong and interesting narratives, and a genuine depiction of all aspects of Johnson's life and character - a formula that serves as the basis of literary biography until today.

Writing biographies was generally stagnant during the 19th century - in many cases there was a reversal to the better known hagiographic method of praising the dead, similar to the biographies of saints produced in the Middle Ages. The distinction between mass biography and literary biography began to form in the middle of this century, reflecting the violation between high culture and middle-class culture. However, the number of biographies in print media is growing rapidly, thanks to the growing public of readers. The revolution in this publication makes the book available to the larger readers of the reader. In addition, affordable novel editions of popular biography were published for the first time. Periodics began to publish a sequence of biographical sketches.

Autobiography is becoming more popular, as increasing education and cheap printing, the concept of fame and modern celebrity began to flourish. Autobiography was written by authors, such as Charles Dickens (who included elements of autobiography in his novels) and Anthony Trollope, (his Autobiographical work appeared posthumously, quickly became a bestseller in London), philosophers , such as John Stuart Mill, church - John Henry Newman - and entertainer - PT Barnum.

modern biography

The science of psychology and sociology influenced the turn of the 20th century and greatly influenced the biographies of the new century. The death of the "great man" theory of history is an indication of the emerging mindset. Human behavior will be explained through Darwin's theory. "Sociological" biographies contain the actions of their subjects as a result of the environment, and tend to discourage individuality. The development of psychoanalysis leads to a deeper and more thorough understanding of the subject of biography, and encourages biographers to give more emphasis on childhood and adolescence. Obviously, these psychological ideas change the way biographies are written, as the autobiographical culture evolves, where it tells a person's story into a form of therapy. The conventional concept of heroes and narratives of success disappears in an obsession with psychological personality exploration.

The British critic Lytton Strachey revolutionized the art of biography writing with his 1918 Eminent Victorians, which consists of the biographies of four prominent Victorian figures: Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Arnold, and General Gordon. Strachey set out to inhale life into the Victorian era for future generations to read. To this point, as Strachey said in the preface, the Victorian biography has been "as familiar to the cortÃÆ'¨ge the caretaker", and uses the same air of "slow and pleasant barbarism." Strachey opposes the tradition of "two volumes of fat... of undigested matter mass" and aimed at four iconic figures. His narrative destroys the myths built around this cherished national hero, which he considers no better than "a group of hypocritical careless people". The book gained worldwide fame for its impolite and intelligent style, accurate and factual accuracy, and artistic prose.

In the 1920s and 30s, biographers sought to capitalize on the popularity of Strachey by imitating his style. The new school features iconoclasts, scientific analysts, and fictional biographers and includes Gamaliel Bradford, Andrà © Å © Maurois, and Emil Ludwig, among others. Robert Graves ( I, Claudius , 1934) stands among those who follow Strachey's "breaking biography" model. Trends in literary biography are accompanied by popular biographies by a kind of "celebrity voyeurism", in the early decades of this century. The appeal of this last form to the reader is based on more curiosity than morality or patriotism. In World War I, cheap hard cover prints became popular. The decade of the 1920s witnessed the "explosion" of biographies.

Feminist scholar Carolyn Heilbrun observes that the biography and autobiography of women began to change characters during the second wave of feminist activism. He cites the 1970 biography of Nancy Milford Zelda , as "the beginning of a new period of women's biography, because" [only] in 1970 was we ready to read not that Zelda had destroyed Fitzgerald, but Fitzgerald him: he has taken his story. "Heilbrun was named 1973 as a turning point in women's autobiography, with the publication of May Sarton's Journal of a Solitude, because it is the first example where a woman tells the story of her life, unlike finding" beauty even pain " "anger becomes spiritual acceptance," but recognizes what was previously forbidden to women: their pain, their anger, and their "open acceptance of the desire for power and control over one's life. "

Recent years

In recent years, multimedia biography has become more popular than traditional literary forms. Along with documentary biography films, Hollywood produces many commercial films based on the lives of famous people. The popularity of these biographical forms has led to the proliferation of TV channels dedicated to biographies, including A & amp; E, The Biography Channel, and The History Channel.

CD-ROMs and online biographies have also emerged. Unlike books and movies, they often do not tell a chronological narrative: instead they are archives of many discrete media elements associated with a person, including video clips, photos, and text articles. Biography-Portrait was created in 2001, by German artist Ralph Ueltzhoeffer. Media scholar Lev Manovich says that such archives provide an example of a database form, allowing users to navigate the material in many ways. The general technique of "writing life" is the subject of scientific study.

In recent years, the debate has arisen over whether all biographies are fictional, especially when the author writes about the numbers from the past. President Wolfson College at Oxford University, Hermione Lee argues that all history is seen through the perspective that is the product of our contemporary society and as a result biographical truth is constantly changing. So a history biography writing about will not be that way; it will be the way they remember it. Debate also arose regarding the importance of space in writing life.

Daniel R. Meister in 2017 argues that:

The study biography appears as an independent discipline, especially in the Netherlands. This Dutch School biography displaced biographical studies from a less scientific and historical life-writing tradition by encouraging practitioners to use the adapted approach of micro-history.

Biographical research

Biographical research is defined by Miller as a research method that collects and analyzes a person's entire life, or part of life, through in-depth and unstructured interviews, or sometimes reinforced by semi-structured interviews or personal documents. This is a way of looking at social life in procedural terms, rather than static terms. Information may come from "oral histories, personal narratives, biographies and autobiographies" or "diaries, letters, memoranda and other materials". The main purpose of biographical research is to produce rich person descriptions or "conceptualizing types of structural measures" meaning "to understand the logic of action or how people and structures are interconnected". And this method can be used to understand one's life in its social context or understand cultural phenomena.

Maps Biography

Book rewards

Some countries offer annual prizes for writing biographies such as:

  • Drainie-Taylor Biography Prize - Canada
  • National Biography Award - Australia
  • Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography - United States
  • Whitbread Prize for Best Biography - United Kingdom
  • J. R. Ackerley Prize for Autobiography - United Kingdom
  • Prix Goncourt de la Biographie - France

About Modern Biography â€

See also

  • Historiography
  • Scientific historiography
  • British Historiography
  • United States historiography
  • Legal biography
  • Psychobiography

Biography - Tablet image




Source of the article : Wikipedia
