In linguistics, the subject pronoun is the personal pronoun used as the subject of the verb. The subject of the pronoun is usually in a nominative case for a language with nominative-accusative naming patterns.
In English, the subject pronoun is me , you , he , he , it , us , you , them , what and who . With the exception of you , it , and what , and in informal conversation who , the different object pronouns: ie < i he , us , you (the objective case of you ), them and who (see the English pronouns).
In some cases, subject pronouns are not used for logical subjects. For example, the fabulous Case Marking (ECM) manufacture involves the subject of a non-to-appear clause that appears in the form of an object (for example, I want him to go .) In a day's conversation -day, the first person's coordinated subject will often appear in object form even in subject position (eg, James and me go to shop .) It is corrected so often that it has causing hypercorrection cases, where subject pronouns are used even in the position of objects under coordination (eg, Marie gives Susana and I a piece of cake .)
Video Subject pronoun
See also
- pronouns are disjunctive
- The object pronoun
- Companion subject
- Subject (grammar)
Maps Subject pronoun
Source of the article : Wikipedia