Minggu, 10 Juni 2018

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Mathematics Subject Classification - YouTube
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The Mathematical Subject Classification (MSC) is a collaboratively generated alphanumeric classification scheme by staff, and by scope, two major mathematical review databases, Mathematics Reviews and MATT Zentralblatt. The MSC is used by many mathematical journals, which asks authors of research papers and expository articles for a list of subject codes from the Mathematics Subject Classification in their papers. The current version is MSC2010.

Video Mathematics Subject Classification


MSC is a hierarchical scheme, with three levels of structure. Classification can be two, three or five digits, depending on how many levels of classification schemes are used.

The first level is represented by a two-digit number, the second with a letter, and a third with two other digits. As an example:

  • 53 is the classification for differential geometry
  • 53A is the classification for classical differential geometry
  • 53A45 is the classification for vector and tensor analysis

First level

At the top level, 64 mathematical disciplines are labeled with unique 2-digit numbers. As well as typical areas of mathematical research, there are top-level categories for "History and Biography", "Mathematics Education", and to overlap with different sciences. Physics (ie mathematical physics) is well represented in the classification scheme with a number of different categories including:

  • Fluid mechanics
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Geophysics
  • Optics and electromagnetic theory

All valid MSC classification codes must have at least first level identifiers.

Second level

The second level code is one letter from the Latin alphabet. It represents the specific areas covered by the first level of discipline. The second level code varies from discipline to discipline.

For example, for differential geometry, the top-level code is 53 , and the second level code is:

  • A for classical differential geometry
  • B for local differential geometry
  • C for global differential geometry
  • D for the symplectic geometry and contact geometry

In addition, a special "-" second level code is used for certain types of materials. These codes are in the form of:

  • 53-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.)
  • 53-01 Instructional expositions (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
  • 53-02 Research exposures (monographs, survey articles)
  • 53-03 Historical (must also be specified at least one classification number from Section 01)
  • 53-04 Calculations and explicit machine programs (not computational or programming theories)
  • 53-06 Processes, conferences, collections, etc.

The second and third levels of these codes are always the same - only the first level changes. For example, it is not valid to use 53 - as a classification. Either 53 themselves or, better yet, more specific code should be used.

Third level

The third level code is the most specific, usually corresponding to a particular type of mathematical object or problem or a well-known research area.

The third level 99 code is in each category and means nothing above, but in this section

Maps Mathematics Subject Classification

Using the scheme

AMS recommends that papers submitted to the journal for publication have one main classification and one or more optional secondary classifications. The typical MSC subject line class on the research paper looks like

MSC Primary 03C90; Sekunder 03-02;

19th International Pure Mathematics Conference 2018
src: www.pmc.org.pk


According to the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Help page on MSC, the MSC has been revised several times since 1940. Under the scheme to set the AMS Mathematical Offprint Service (MOS scheme), AMS Classification was established for the classification of reviews in Maths Reviews in the 1960s. It sees various ad-hoc changes. Despite its shortcomings, Zentralblatt fÃÆ'¼r Mathematics started using it also in the 1970s. In the late 1980s, a revised scheme along with more formal rules was approved by Mathematics and Zentralblatt Reviews fÃÆ'¼r Mathematics under the new name of Mathematics Subject Classification. It sees revisions like MSC1990 , MSC2000 and MSC2010 . In July 2016, the Mathematics and ZbMATH reviews began collecting input from the mathematical community on the next revision of the MSC, which is scheduled to be released in 2020. The original classification of the older items has not been changed. This sometimes makes it difficult to search for old works related to a particular topic. Changes at the first level involve the subject with (now) the code 03, 08, 12-20, 28, 37, 51, 58, 74, 90, 91, 92.

Relationship with other classification schemes

For physics papers the Physical and Astronomical Classification Scheme (PACS) is often used. Due to the large overlap between mathematical and physical research, it is common to see both PACS and MSC codes in research papers, especially for multidisciplinary journals and repositories such as arXiv.

The ACM Computing Classification System (CCS) is a hierarchical classification scheme similar to computer science. There is some overlap between the AMS and ACM classification schemes, in subjects related to math and computer science, but the two schemes differ in their organizational details of the topic.

The classification scheme used in arXiv is chosen to reflect the proposed paper. Because arXiv is multidisciplinary, the classification scheme is not fully compatible with MSC, ACM or PACS classification schemes. It is common to see the code of one or more of these schemes on individual papers.

First level area

Source of the article : Wikipedia
