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Education in Thailand is provided primarily by the Thai government through the Ministry of Education from pre-school to high school. Free basic education for fifteen years is guaranteed by the Constitution.

Compulsory education in Thailand mandates nine years of "primary education" (six years of primary school and three years of junior high school). Education in public schools is free until grade 9. The government provides, in addition, three years of free pre-school and three years of free high school education. Not mandatory. Children are enrolled in primary school from the age of six and attend for six years, Prathom 1 through Prathom 6. Primary school classes do not exceed five hours per day, with a maximum learning time of 1,000 hours per year. Secondary education begins at age 12. It consists of three years of lower secondary education, Mattayom 1 to Mattayom 3, and three years of higher education, Mattayom 4 to Mattayom 6. Education must end with Mattayom 3 (grade 9), after which the student can pursuing secondary education on the university's pathways, or continuing their studies in vocational school programs.

Homeschooling is legal in Thailand. Thailand's constitution and education law expressly recognizes alternative education and views the family as an educational institution. Homeschool law passed in 2004, Ministerial Regulation no. 3 on the right to basic education by the family, arranging for homeschooling. Families should apply to homeschool and students are assessed annually.

Video Education in Thailand

Ikhtisar sistem sekolah

Basic education in Thailand is free. It is divided into three levels: pre-primary, primary, and secondary. Pre-primary education was introduced in 2004 and made free in 2009. Public schools offer two years of kindergartens (Thai: ?????? ; < small> RTGS: Ã, anuban ) (three and four years) and one year pre - school lessons (five-year-olds). Participation in pre-primary education is "almost universal". At the age of six, education must begin. It lasted for nine years, consisting of primers, prathom (Thai: ????? ) (value P1-3), and lower middle , matthayom (Thai: ????? ) (M1-3 value), starting at age 12. Higher education, level 4 6, is not mandatory. It is divided into general and vocational tracks.

Ninety-nine percent of students complete basic education. Only 85 percent complete secondary education. About 75 percent move to upper middle (ages 16-18). For every 100 students in elementary school, 85.6 students will continue their studies in M1, 79.6 students will continue until M3, and only 54.8 will proceed to M6 or working schools.

There are academic high schools, vocational high schools, and comprehensive schools that offer academic and vocational pathways. Students who choose academic schools usually intend to enter university. Vocational schools offer courses that prepare students for work or further study.

Entry into high school is through an entrance exam. At the completion of each level, students must pass the NET (National Educational Test) to graduate. Children are required to attend six years of elementary school and at least the first three years of secondary school. Those graduating from the sixth year of secondary school are candidates for two tests: O-NET (National Ordinary Education Tests) and A-NET (Advanced National Educational Test).

Public schools are managed by the government. The private sector includes profit-seeking schools and non-profit schools that pay the frequent costs of charitable organizations - mainly by diocesan orders and Catholicism that operate over 300 large primary/secondary schools across the country. Village and sub-district schools typically provide pre-school and elementary schoolchildren, while in district cities, schools will serve their areas with comprehensive schools with all grades ranging from kindergartens up to the age of 15 and separate secondary schools for ages 13 to 18 years.

Due to budget constraints, rural schools are generally poorly equipped compared to schools in cities. The standard of teaching, especially for English, is much lower, and many high school students will travel 60-80 kilometers to schools in nearby cities.

The school year is divided into two semesters. The first starts in early May and ends in October; the second begins in November and ends in March.

Maps Education in Thailand


Formal education has its origins in temple schools, when it is only available to boys. From the mid-16th century Thailand opened up to significant French Catholic influences until the mid-seventeenth century when it was severely restricted, and the country returned to the reinforcement of its own cultural ideology. Unlike other parts of South and Southeast Asia, particularly the Indian subcontinent, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Malay Peninsula, Indonesia and the Philippines all benefiting from the influence of countries with centuries-old educational tradition, Thailand has never colonized by Western powers. As a result, structured education on those lines in developed countries is slow to evolve until it gets a new impetus with the re-emergence of diplomacy in the late nineteenth century.

Initial education

It is possible that one of the earliest forms of education began when King Ram Khamhaeng the Great discovered the Thai alphabet in 1283 based it on Indian, Khmer and southern Indian texts. The stone inscription of 1292 in the new manuscript depicts the moral, intellectual and cultural aspects. During the Sukhothai period (1238-1378), education was provided by the Institutional Institutions of the Kingdom (Rajabundit) to members of the royal and noble families, while the commoners were taught by Buddhist monks.

In the period of Ayutthaya kingdom from 1350 to 1767 during the reign of the Great King Narai (1656-1688), Chindamani , was generally accepted as the first textbook of the Thai language, which constituted grammar. The Thai prosodi and the form of official correspondence were written by a monk, Pra Horatibodi, to stem the influence of foreign education from the French Jesuit school. It remained in use until the reign of King Chulalongkorn (1868-1910). Narai himself was a poet, and his court became the center where poets gathered to compose poems and poetry. Although through the interest of its influence in Thai literature increased significantly, the Catholic mission had come with education in Ayutthaya as early as 1567 under the Dominican Portuguese and French Jesuits were given permission to settle in Ayutthaya in 1662. His administration therefore saw a great development in diplomatic missions to and from the powers West.

Regarding the death of Narai, due to fear of further foreign intervention in Thailand's education and culture, and conversion to Catholicism, increased xenophobic sentiments in court and diplomatic activity greatly diminished and relations with the West and any other forms of Western education were practically disconnected. They did not restore their level before the reign of King Mongkut in the mid-nineteenth century.


Through his reform of the Buddha Sangha, King Rama I (1782-1809), accelerated the development of public education and during the reign of King Rama IV (1851-1865) the printing press arrived in Thailand making the book available in Thai for the first time; English has become a lingua franca in the Far East, and the education provided by the monks proves to be inadequate for government officials. Rama IV decided that action was taken to modernize education and insisted that English would be included in the curriculum.

King Rama V (1868-1910) continued to influence the development of education and in 1871 the first relatively modern school concept with specially constructed buildings, lay teachers and time tables opened in the palace to teach male members of the royal family and noble sons. The Command Declaration on Schooling was proclaimed, English was taught in the palace for nobles and nobles, and schools were set up outside the palace for the education of ordinary people's children. With the help of foreigners - mainly English - advisors, the Ministry of Education was established by the king in 1887 when 34 schools, with more than 80 teachers and nearly 2,000 students, operated and as part of the king's program to set up ministries, in 1892 the department became Ministry of Education. Recognizing that the private sector has shared the task of providing education, the government introduced controls for private schools.

In 1897 on the initiative of Queen Sribajarindra, girls were accepted into the education system. In 1898, a two-part education plan for Bangkok and for the province was launched with a program for pre-school, elementary, secondary, technical, and high education. In 1901, the first government school for girls, Bamrung Wijasatri, was established in Bangkok, and in 1913, the first teacher training school for women was established at the Benchama Rajalai School for girls. Further development occurred when in 1902 the plan was renovated by the National Education System in Siam into two categories of general education, and professional/technical education, imposing at the same age limit to enter to encourage graduation within a predetermined time scale.

The first Thai university, Chulalongkorn, is named after King Chulalongkorn (Rama V). Founded by his son and successor to King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) in 1917 by combining the Royal Pages School and the College of Medicine. In 1921, the Mandatory Basic Education Law was proclaimed.


The bloodless revolution of 1932 that transferred the absolute power of the king to democratic government encouraged the further development and expansion of tertiary schools and institutions. The first National Education Scheme was formally introduced to provide access to education regardless of ability, gender, and social background.

In 1960, education must be extended to seven years, and for the first time special provisions were made for children with disabilities, who were initially exempted from compulsory education. In 1961, the government embarked on a series of five-year plans, and many of the school buildings were built for the purpose, especially the elementary school of wooden villages, and the junior high school concrete originated from around this time.

In 1977, the key stages of elementary and secondary education were transformed from the 4-3-3-2 year structure to the current 6-3-3 year system.

Thailand Education Reform 1995

In 1995, economic, social, political, environmental and population development in Thailand has created a series of issues that education must address.

HE. Mr Sukavich Rangsitpol, Thailand's Education Minister, launched the current education reforms. The main objective of educational reform is to improve the quality of education from 1996 to educational excellence achieved in 2007.

The goal of educational reform is to realize the potential of Thai people to develop themselves for a better quality of life and to develop a national co-existence of peace within the global community.

The purpose of educational reform is to create individual learning, organization, and society. An educated person or authentic learning outcome should possess the following skills and characteristics based on Thai cultural heritage and appropriate level of education: good physical and mental health, critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, professionalism, responsibility, honesty, self-satisfaction, perseverance, team spirit, adherence to democracy, and love for Kings, Countries and Religions.

According to UNESCO, Thailand's education reform has led to the following outcomes, 1) Education budget increased from 133 billion baht in 1996 to 163 billion baht, in 1997 (22.5% increase) 2) Since 1996 First grade students have learned the language English and Computers. 3) Professional progress of Master Leve1 6 to Master Leve1 7 without having to submit academic work for consideration approved by the Government of Thailand 4) There has been an established education policy to improve the standard of education from pre-primary to higher education. 5) Free 12 year education for children al1 provided by the Government of Thailand. The 12 year free education is in the 1997 Constitution and it is the first time Thailand has provided access to education for all its people. The Education Reform Project is about 20,000 schools.

In 1997, Thailand received the Excellent Education Award from Unesco. (1997UNESCO - ACEID Award for Excellence in Education)

After H.E.Mr.Sukavich Rangsitpol, the Minister of Education left office due to politics in Thailand.

Nothing was achieved from 1998-2006

Twelve values ​​

Prayut Chan-o-cha, Thailand's prime minister and junta leader, says school reform is urgently needed. Following a military takeover in May 2014, Prayut, in a television broadcast in July, ordered the school to display a list of 12 "Thai" grades he made. They:

  1. Loyalty to Nations, Religions and Monarchies
  2. Honesty, sacrifice, resilience, and noble ideology for the greater good
  3. Thanks to parents, guardians and teachers
  4. Perseverance in acquiring knowledge, through school lessons and other methods
  5. Preserving Thai customs and traditions
  6. Morality and goodwill for others
  7. A true understanding of democracy with the King as Head of State
  8. Discipline, respect for the law, and compliance with older citizens
  9. A constant awareness to practice good deeds over time, as taught by His Royal Highness
  10. Practice Self-Sufficiency in accordance with the teachings of His Royal Highness
  11. Physical and mental strength. Refusal to surrender to religious sin.
  12. Uphold the nation's self-interest.

The authorities instructed public schools and state institutions to hang banners on the list of Gen Prayut teachings on their premises. The state institution also produces poetry, song, and 12-part film based on teachings. At the end of December 2014, the Ministry of Information, Communication and Telecommunications (MICT) released a set of "stickers" depicting each of the Twelve Values ​​for users of the LINE chat app.

Military training for kindergartners

The military government under Prayut Chan-o-cha instituted a "land defender" program to teach uniformed boys aged four and five to do push-ups, crawl under a mosquito net, salute, and eat from metal trays on the floor. "Soldiers demonstrate military operations to children and teach them patriotic values ​​to love Thai people, religions and monarchies through... 12 Thai Value," according to the Thai-language news channel Matichon Online . The news website reported that this is the second time the Royal Thai Army runs the program, and says that more schools and kindergartens will join the program in the future.

Recent research

On May 27, 2015, the Ministry of Public Health released the results of the IQ survey of Thai students. They show that IQ grade 1 students have dropped from 94 in 2011 to 93. International standards are 100.

It is very likely that the Thai educational system is hurting IQ students. While IQ of pre-school students is acceptable, IQ declines when primary school begins, indicating the need for change in schools. IQ students in rural areas are much lower, only 89. These differences continue at the university. While research has found IQ of Bangkok university students averaging 115, IQ provincial university students are 5-8 points lower.

Worryingly, the low IQ level in recent surveys confirmed continued high levels of intellectual disability: IQ levels lower than 70, also termed "minor or delayed disturbances". The average global percentage of students is 2 percent. However, the previous 2011 survey found that 6.5% of Thai students scored within this range. Recent results indicate intellectual disability in some rural areas can now reach 10 percent.

One of the causes of lower IQs may be traced to nutrients. The WHO study shows iodine deficiency accounts for losses between 10-15 IQ points. However, according to the 2012 Thai Indicators Multiple Cluster Survey, only 71 percent of Thai households consume iodized salt sufficient, falling to 54 percent in the poorest households. There is another huge regional difference, with 82 percent of households in Bangkok and only 54 percent of households in northeast Thailand who consume iodized salt adequately. The area with the lowest IQ is the same area as the highest iodine deficiency.

In July 2015, the Thai Ministry of Health initiated a program to provide better nutrition and health education in Thai public schools. The goal is to increase the average IQ from 94 to 100 and increase the average height of the children. Currently boys measure an average of 167Ã,® cm and girls 157Ã, cm. During the 10 years of high program life is targeted to increase to 175 cm and 165 cm respectively. Children in schools throughout the country will receive healthy food and more instruction on healthy living and exercise.

By 2015, a World Bank study concluded that "... one-third of 15-year-old Thai people are 'illiterate', including nearly half of those studying in rural schools.The bank advises Thailand to reform its education system in part by combining and optimizing more than 20,000 schools across the country The alternative is to employ 160,000 more teachers for schools in developed countries in order to match the student-teacher ratios of Bangkok The Economist notes that, "Thailand's poor performance is not dramatically out of line with countries with similar revenues. But it's strange considering the tremendous spending on education, which in recent years has reached more than a quarter of the budget. Rote learning is a common thing. There is a lack of math and science teachers, but the reach of physical education instructors. Many head teachers have no authority to hire or fire their own staff. "

High school admission protocol

In May 2012, parents and students at the prestigious Bodindecha School (Sing Singhaseni), commonly referred to as "Bodin", in Bangkok went on a hunger strike to protest what they perceived as irregularities of acceptance. The problem arose when 200 Bodin students were denied the right to continue their studies at school by the end of the school year 2011. The students suspect that school executives have taken their seats to be given to children from parents who are willing to pay large sums of "tea money" or bribes. Entrance to a popular school can cost "tea money" summarizes up to seven figures. The greater the competition, the higher the number of donations their parents trust to offer in exchange for their children's opportunities to get a good education in a quality school.

Teacher status

Thai society considers teachers highly respected by mentioning a day of the year as "Teacher's Day." But the high award held for Thai teachers does not extend to international teachers. "Thai teachers, as well as university lecturers, are not paid well like their counterparts in Malaysia or Singapore, not to mention they are in the United States or Europe," according to Bangkok Post. This has resulted in the finding that every Thai teacher may have up to three million baht in debt. The government is taking steps to improve teachers' fortunes by refinancing loans to "formal" lenders.

English Education Volunteer | Volunteer Thailand
src: www.volunteerthailand.org



Almost all villages have primary schools. Most sub-districts (tambon) have schools for ages 6 to 14 and all districts (amphoe) have secondary schools for ages 12 to 17. Many have vocational schools for students from 15 years of age.

The government is unable to cope with the entire number of students, so the private sector, which is overseen by the government, makes a significant contribution. The level of education in the private sector is generally, but not always, higher than that of public schools. Expensive, exclusive private and international schools provide a high level of achievement and a large number of their students continue their education at universities abroad.

Charitable organizations (missionary or diocesan society), and other religions provide the backbone of non-governmental education, low cost, general education and established universities, and their standards are relatively high. Cheaper, newer and individual private schools, sometimes run more for government benefits and subsidies than for results, and often indistinguishable from government schools in terms of building quality, resources, teaching competencies, and crowded classrooms. Their only real benefit is the prestige given to parents to educate their children in the private sector.

In rural schools, absenteeism among students and teachers is high due to family and agricultural commitments. Some schools are closed during the rice growing season and the harvest season.

Over 400 public vocational schools accept students who have completed Matthayom 3. Their campus is usually located within mileage every day, although some may offer unrestricted dormitory accommodation on campus. Many specialized vocational schools offer training in agriculture, animal husbandry, nursing, administration, hospitality and tourism.


Thailand has 21 ministers of education in the last 18 years (2000-2018). Each takes an average of nine months. The complexity of Thai education administration has led to duplication among many ministries and institutions providing education and standard setting. In 1980, on the recommendation of the Minister of Education, Dr. Kayla Sarah Ketudat, the responsibility for basic education is transferred from the Ministry of Home Affairs to the Ministry of Education. Both the Ministry of University Affairs and the Ministry of Education have been actively involved in teacher training.


Thailand's national budget allocates considerable resources for education. In FY2017, education spending represents almost 20 percent of the national budget, or four percent of GDP. This is high compared to other countries' education expenditures, especially developing countries, with China 13 percent, Indonesia 8.1 percent, Malaysia 20 percent, Mexico, 24.3 percent, Philippines 17 percent, Britain and France, 11 percent. Although education is primarily financed by the national budget, local funds, especially in urban areas, are spent on education. In areas set by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), up to 28.1 percent of the education budget has been provided by local financing. Loans and technical assistance for education are also received from Asian Development Bank, World Bank, and OECF (Japan) Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF).


Systematic education research began in 1955 when the International Institute for Child Study was established in Bangkok. The institute is now the Institute for Behavioral Sciences Research and has undertaken basic and applied research. In the 1960s, the Ministry of Education and the Office of the National Education Commission (ONEC), a department of the Prime Minister's Office, began an educational research program. In-depth research, especially from ONEC, contributed to the 1999-2002 educational reform initiative, and extensive research was provided by state universities, especially in the faculty of education. The Department of Curriculum and Instructional Development from the Ministry of Education also conducts research into testing, curriculum, and content. National libraries, university libraries, and other libraries across the country are electronically linked to facilitate research.

Thai Education Ranking Plunge - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Primary and secondary level

At the elementary level, students study eight core subjects each semester: Thai, mathematics, science, social sciences, health and physical education, art and music, technology, and foreign languages. At age 16 (Matthayom 4), students are allowed to choose one or two elective courses. Science programs (Wit-Kanit) and the English-language math program (Sil-Kamnuan) are among the most popular. Foreign language programs (Sil-Phases) in (China, France, Japan, Korea, Russia, Spain, and Germany) for example, and social science programs (sometimes called public programs) are also offered. Both primary and secondary levels have specialized programs, English Programs and Gifted Programs. In English Language students learn every subject in English except for Thai and social studies. The Gifted program is a focused mathematical science.

THAILAND DECEMBER 21 Unidentified Asian Students Stock Photo ...
src: image.shutterstock.com

Vocational education

The Vocational Education Commission manages 416 higher education institutions in Thailand.

Technical and vocational education (TVE) begins at the senior high school level where students begin to follow a general or vocational education path. Currently, about 60 percent of students attend a general education program. However, the government seeks to achieve a balanced balance between general and vocational education.

Three TVE levels offered: Certificate in Vocational Education ( Bor Wor Chor ) taken during the upper middle period; The Technical Diploma ( Bor Wor Sor ), taken after the age of leaving school; and a Higher Diploma where admission to a university for bachelor degree program may be granted. Vocational education is also provided by private institutions.

Double vocational training (DVT)

Important for DVTs is the active participation of the private sector. In 1995, based primarily on the German model, the Department of Vocational Education launched an initiative to introduce a dual vocational training program involving students in direct training in selected organizations in the private sector.

DVT is a regular element of the "certificate" and "diploma" programs of DoVE. This training is for a period of three years with more than half the time spent on practical workplace training, spread over two days a week, or for longer periods depending on distance, throughout the semester.

Two levels of DVT are offered: a three-year certificate level for skilled workers in which students and trainees are accepted at age 15 after completing Matthayom 3 (Class 9); and a two-year diploma technician level for students who have graduated with Vocational Education Certificate after 12 years of formal education.

In a vocational, vocational scheme, unlike regular internships, where students can be assigned to work on unpaid irrelevant jobs, cooperative education programs allow students from vocational schools to do field work while benefiting from allowance to cover living expenses or free accommodation , and compensation for their contributions made to the company's earnings and profits as temporary employees.

Schools collaborate directly with the private sector in developing action plans and set goals for students to meet. Generally, the company will offer permanent jobs to the trainees after graduation and successfully complete the program. In contrast, companies that recruit trainees from among young people who have completed at least nine years at school can enroll their employees with technical or vocational colleges where they are taught vocational subjects as the theoretical background for the field of employment in which they are trained.


In 2015 there are 674,113 students enrolled in vocational education courses.

Concerns of multinationals

Shiro Sadoshima, the Japanese ambassador to Thailand, believes that the Thai government should invest more in education to produce workers who can meet the demands of the Japanese industry. He noted that while Thailand has a policy to improve job skills and cultivate worker skills, the skills demonstrated by Thai workers are incompatible with Japanese standards. The statement of the ambassador echoed the major Japanese manufacturers such as Toyota, who have invested in Thailand for decades. Shuichi Ikeda, chief representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), also voiced concern that although Thailand has generated many vocational graduates to cater to increased demand for factory workers, the graduates lack the required skills. Thailand is expected to produce about 67,000 vocational graduates over the next 10 years, but only about 3,100 of them can meet employment standards and get jobs, he said.

Education in Thailand: The Thai PC Tablet Program
src: spreadtheflame.com

Tertiary and higher education

Established state and private universities and higher education colleges are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of University Affairs. They offer courses primarily in the fields of medicine, arts, humanities, and information technology, although many students prefer to continue law and business studies in Western institutions abroad or in countries that have created local facilities in Thailand. During the first years of the 21st century, the number of universities increased dramatically in a controversial move by the Thaksin government to change the names of many public institutions as universities.


There are 170 higher education institutions in Thailand, both public and private, offering 4,100 curriculum. For the academic year 2015, the university can accommodate 156,216 new students, but only 105,046 enroll for entrance exams. Deteriorating student shortages, the National Economic and Social Development Council projects that the number of Thai people in the 0-21 year old school age group will fall to 20 percent of the population by 2040, down from 62.3 percent in 1980.

Many public universities receive financial support from the government for research purposes. More than half of the provinces have Rajabhat University run by the government (formerly Rajabhat Institutes) and Rajamangala University of Technology, which is traditionally a teacher training academy.

Thai universities do not score highly in the rank of Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University and they lose when compared to other Asian universities. Thailand's top three universities, Chulalongkorn, Mahidol, and Thammasat, tend to decline. When first ranked by QS, Chulalongkorn entered in 201. By 2018 its rank is 271. A few years ago, Mahidol was ranked 255 but is now ranked 380. Thammasat in 2012 ranked 561 but has consistently been in the 600s since that..

Some of Thailand's leading universities include:

  • Burapha University: The first higher education institution outside Bangkok; in the eastern industrial area of ​​Thailand. Humanities and social sciences, logistics, management, and tourism.
  • Chiang Mai University: Political science and public administration, humanities, agriculture, nursing.
  • Chulalongkorn University: is a comprehensive and intensive research university offering courses in arts and humanities, engineering and technology, life sciences and medicine, natural sciences and social sciences and management.
  • Kasetsart University: Courses in agriculture, business administration, fisheries, forestry, humanities, and aerospace engineering.
  • Khon Kaen University: The first university in northeastern Thailand. Engineering, education, local administration college.
  • King Mongkut Ladkrabang Institute of Technology: Most renowned for programs in electrical engineering, automotive engineering, computer engineering, and architecture.
  • Mahidol University: Medicine (Siriraj Hospital and Ramathibodi Hospital), pharmacy, veterinary science, medical technology, health sciences
  • Prince of Songkla University: The first university in southern Thailand. Natural resources, hospitality and tourism, management science.
  • Srinakharinwirot University: Education, dentistry, social sciences, and humanities.
  • Thammasat University: Established as a specialization and open university in Law, Business, Political Science and Economics before the field is expanded into a national university. Currently, it offers programs covering all social sciences and humanities, science and technology, and health sciences.


Most undergraduate programs are four-year, full-time programs. The exception is education and architecture that takes five years, and dentists, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and veterinary medicine who need six years of study. The Master's degree program lasts for one or two years and a degree is awarded on course credit with either a thesis or a final exam. Upon completion of the master's degree, students may apply for an admission exam to a two to five year doctoral program. This doctorate is awarded upon completion of the course, research, and successful submission of the dissertation. There are at least 1,000 PhD programs offered at 33 Thai universities. The number of PhD students increased to more than 25,000 by 2015, up from just 1,380 in 2008.


Currently, there are two methods for selecting students to enter university in Thailand. The first method is a direct reception system operated by each university. The second method is the original acceptance system managed by the National Institute of Education Testing Service (NIETS).

After graduating from high school, students must pass a CUAS (Central University Admission System) containing 50% of O-NET and A-NET results and the other half of the fourth grade (average grade) GPA. Many changes and experiments in the university admissions system have taken place since 2001, but by the end of 2007 the national system has not been accepted by students, universities and governments. In 2008, a newly formed coalition led by the People Power Party (a party formed by the remnants of the Thai Rak Tai party led by Taksin Shinwatra) announced more changes to the national curriculum and university admission system. Currently, state-run universities screen 70% of their students directly, with the remaining 30% coming from the central admissions system. The new system gives a 20% weight to the cumulative average value, which varies according to school standards. Some students have voiced distrust of the new system and are afraid of facing the problem of scoring as it did with A-NET in the first year. The new talent test, to be held for the first time in March 2009 and to be supervised by NIETS, will replace the A-net National Education Tests. Students can sit for aptitude tests up to three times, with their best scores counted. After the first test in March 2009, the next two are scheduled for July and October. Direct receipts are usually held around October.

New tests include mandatory Compulsory Test (GAT), which includes reading, writing, analytical thinking, problem solving and English communication. The Voluntary Aptitude Professional (PAT) Test has a choice of seven subjects: Thai, English, social studies, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. These seven subject areas are managed by NIETS.

NIETS clearinghouse

In 2013, NIETS began to use the clearinghouse system. This is designed to avoid the problem of having the same students accepted by some universities. After completing the exam and deciding the university to attend, the student's name will be automatically removed from the university database and other admissions system. Current universities in the system are Chulalongkorn University, Kasetsart University, Thammasat University, King Mongkut Ladkrabang Institute of Technology, and 14 other state universities.

Required qualifications and number of recognized students are defined by each university. The qualifications required for admission vary by university. Some universities require high GPA and test scores. Students with a GPA and a lower test score than required can not apply for admission to the university. Some faculty can add intelligence tests. It depends on the faculty and the university. Students are not required to take any subject area checks. For example, engineering faculty require mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, but management faculty requires English and math. This is a departure from the original admissions system that requires scores in every O-net test subject and academic aptitude test (PAT).

Average value

The average value is the average of the accepted values ​​for the courses taken.

  • 21 Thailand
  • 22 Social, religious, and cultural studies
  • 23 Foreign Languages ​​
  • 24 Mathematics
  • 25 Science
  • 26 Physical education
  • 27 Art
  • 28 Career and Technology

National Education Test

Ini terdiri dari O-NET, N-NET, V-NET, dan GAT-PAT.

Tes Pendidikan Nasional Biasa (O-NET)

O-NET is a basic education exam. All students in grade 6,9,12 can take O-NET once.

Non-Formal National Education Test (N-NET)

N-NET is to measure knowledge for students studying in non-formal education in secondary education and secondary school education.

Vocational Education Test (V-NET)

V-NET is a test to measure the knowledge of vocational students.

Aptitude General Test (GAT)

General Aptitude Test or GAT is a measure of 1. Ability to read, write, and solve problems (50 percent) 2. Ability to communicate in English (50 percent)

Professional and Academic Achievement Test (PAT)

Professional and academic aptitude tests or PAT are the knowledge that is the basis for university studies.

  • PAT 1 math skills
  • PAT 2 scientific prowess
  • PAT 3 engineering skills
  • PAT 4 architectural intelligence
  • PAT 5 teacher skills
  • PAT 6 talent arts
  • PAT 7 foreign language proficiency
    • PAT7.1 French Skills
    • PAT7.2 German Skills
    • PAT7.3 Japanese skills
    • PAT7.4 Chinese Abilities
    • PAT7.5 Arabic language skills
    • PAT7.6 Pali aptitude
    • PAT7.7 Korean Language

Wallpaper Android
src: www.unicef.org

International school

The Ministry of Education defines an international school as, "... an educational institution that provides an international curriculum or an international curriculum that details its subject matter have been adapted or self-managed curriculum, which is not the Ministry of Education Foreign language is used as a medium of instruction and learning and students are enrolled without restrictions or restrictions on nationality or religion or government regimes, and not contrary to Thailand's morality or stability. "

Prior to 1992, only a small number of international schools exist in Thailand, and they serve fully for expatriate children, because Thai law prohibits Thai citizens from registering. When the first international school, Bangkok International School, moved to a new campus outside the city proper, a group of parents worked with United Nations staff to lobby the Department of Education to change this law and open the first new international school in decades. This led to the establishment of Thailand's New International School (later changed to NIST International School), and the lifting of the ban on Thai citizenship registration. Due to the high demand for private international education, this change also triggered the opening of dozens of other international schools over the following years.

The curriculum must be approved by the Ministry of Education and may be an international curriculum, an international curriculum with modifications, or curricula created by the school itself. Thai language and culture is a core and mandatory subject at all levels for all Thai students who are registered as Thai citizens. Non-Thai nationals do not need to learn Thai language or culture. International schools should operate within the terms and conditions set by the Ministry of Education, which establishes ownership, location and plot size, building design and structure, student-to-class ratios, sanitation installations, administration and educational support facilities such as libraries and resource centers. Within one year of its inception, primary and secondary schools should apply for accreditation from international organizations recognized and accepted by the Office of the Private Education Commission and accreditation must be given within six years. Managers and principals must be Thai citizens although often there will also be foreign head teachers to oversee the international curriculum and implement school policies.

About 90 international schools operate in Thailand, where about two-thirds are in the Bangkok area.

Education in Thailand: The Thai PC Tablet Program
src: spreadtheflame.com

Distance learning by TV

Founded in 1996, DLTV (Distance Learning via TV) broadcasts 15 educational channels from Klai Kangwon Palace School, Hua Hin. It is broadcast through Ku-band blocks on Thaicom 5 satellite to 17,000 schools and other customers across the country. In December 2008, Thaicom Public Company, Thaicom satellite operator, announced that it has renewed a 10-year contract with Distance Learning Education through the Thai Satellite Foundation (DLF) to broadcast DLTV channels using a Ku-band transponder on a Thaicom 5 satellite.

Providing quality education to one million students in Thailand's ...
src: blogs.worldbank.org

Teacher training

Teacher training is offered either at universities by the Ministry of University Affairs or in teacher training colleges organized by the Department of Education of the Department of Education. University programs are now generally influenced by child-centered learning methods and some universities operate demonstration schools run by lecturers and teachers of trainees.

Elementary and lower secondary teachers

The mainstay of teacher output is provided by the Rajaphat University government (formerly Rajaphat Institutes), the traditional teacher training academy in most provinces. Courses include courses in teaching methodologies, school administration, special education, optional specializations, supervised practice teaching experience, and general language education and communication subjects, humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and technology. The completion of secondary education (Matthayom 6) is required for access to basic teacher training programs and primary and lower secondary school teachers are required to complete a two-year program leading to a Higher Education Certificate, also known as an Education Diploma or associate degree.

High school teacher

To teach at the senior high school level, the minimum requirement is a four-year Bachelor of Education degree through a government program provided either at a teacher training college or in a university faculty of education. Students who have earned a Higher Education Certificate are eligible to continue their studies at a university or college teacher training for two additional years of full-time study for a bachelor's degree. Prospective teachers with a bachelor's degree in another discipline must undergo an additional one year full-time study to complete a Bachelor's Degree in Education.

Teacher development and related issues

With the government's own recognition, general education is a low academic standard compared to the development and modernization of the country as a whole. Dr Kasam Wattanachai, Privat Advisor to the king, on August 10, 2002, noted that, "The ability of students descends to the level of Laos - other countries take the lead."

Teacher shortages in rural areas and class density in public schools are exacerbated by the fact that many qualified teachers through the university system will get better paid private sector jobs. Many places in the faculty of education are taken by students who enroll not with the goal of pursuing a teaching career but to benefit from superior quality of foreign language instruction.

In recent years, the number of new graduates from institutes producing teachers ranges between 50,000 and 60,000 per year, raising concerns about quality and oversupply. The government is trying to reduce the number of graduates from teacher education programs to no more than 25,000 a year, but to direct those graduates to underserved areas. "We have to focus on quality, not quantity," a spokeswoman said. In September 2015, the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC) proposed an initiative to grant 58,000 grants to students-teachers over a 15-year period. Most grants will be awarded to those who will be sent to work in areas with teacher shortages.

The knowledge and competencies gained from newly graduated teachers from Rajabhat University are often comparable to high school graduation rates, A-level English, Baccalaurà ©  © French, or German Abitur. Regardless of security as a civil servant with job security and retirement, and exceptional cultural respect for the profession, there is little incentive to choose a future as a teacher at a public school. As a result, most high school classes are overcrowded with often as many as sixty students in the classroom, a situation that continues to support the memorization system that is firmly entrenched in Thai culture as the only possible method.

Because teaching with memorization requires little pedagogical skills, once qualified - regardless of the weekend seminar considered part of the reward system - teachers tend to resist attempts to encourage them to engage in further training to improve their subject knowledge. and to adopt a new methodology that will require them to use more initiative and become more creative.

Students are not encouraged to develop analytical and critical thinking skills, clearly demonstrated by their inability to complete cloze tests, or to understand ideas through context. Teachers will avoid introducing dialogue to the classroom or requesting feedback from students - to give wrong answers about losing face in front of one's friends, a situation that in Thai culture should always be avoided.

Dr Adith Cheosokul, professor, Chulalongkorn University, September 1, 2002: "Thai children do not have the courage to question their teachers... foreign students are eager to communicate with their teachers. tend to uphold teachers as demigods "- a perception reinforced by celebrations of wai khru (literally 'praising teachers' days), in all schools and colleges not long after the beginning of the new school year, at During the lively public gatherings, the students ask in front of teachers kneeling down and giving them gifts, usually the original or handmade flowers.

The essence of education is therefore still dependent first and foremost on the traditional values ​​of Buddhism, honoring kings, monks, teachers, and families (in that order) through rote methods. While indisputably noble, these features are a major obstacle to the adoption of modern educational methodologies and the development of more engaging communication approaches while also maintaining Thai cultural values.

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, August 18, 2002: "Teachers must radically change their way of thinking - I'm not sure they can do this."

Primary and secondary school teachers do not enjoy the same long breaks as students and are required to work through the holidays on administrative duties. Many of these tasks involve recognizing them with frequent improvements to the National Curriculum; indeed, change often occurs much faster than authors and publishers can update textbooks and teachers should improvise without supporting material and must design their own tests and exams - both are not conducive to quality improvement.

Frequent changes in policy can cause confusion. Often a department of the Ministry of Education does not know the work of others, and principals and teachers at school are always at the end of the information chain.

Test teachers

In 2010, the Office of the Primary Education Commission (OBEC), for the first time, tested high school teachers on the subjects they taught. A score of less than 59 percent is considered to indicate a low standard of knowledge. OBEC said up to 88 percent of 3,973 computer science teachers failed the test. The same is true in biology (86 percent of 2,846), mathematics (84 percent of 5,498), physics (71 percent of 3,487), chemistry (64 percent of 3,088) and astronomy and earth sciences (63 percent of 529). Teachers at junior high school get higher marks. OBEC says 58 percent of 14,816 teachers who teach maths score more than 80 percent, while 54 percent of 13,385 teachers perform well in science. The director of the school did not do well either: about 95% failed tests in information and computer technology and English.

Thailand school children teacher group-picture Asians Asia ...
src: c8.alamy.com

English education

The use of English in Thailand, while far from as developed as in the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavian countries or the Philippines, however gradually increased through the influence of the media and the Internet. Thai university applicants earn an average of 28.34% in English in recent university entrance exams. Thailand produces "labor with some of the weakest English skills in the world." In the recent IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook, Thailand ranks 54th out of 56 countries globally for English proficiency, the second lowest in Asia. Singapore third, Malaysia 28 and Korea 46th.

The government has long recognized the importance of English as the core core subject at school, and has been a compulsory subject at various levels for decades. Since 2005 schools are encouraged to establish bilingual departments where core subjects are taught in English and to offer intensive English programs.

Despite the widespread use and exposure of English in everyday life in Thailand, the correct standard of English in school is now the lowest in Southeast Asia. In 1997 Thailand remained at the forefront, but in 2001 Laos and Vietnam succeeded, and by mid-2006 it was clear up front.

To improve students' education, people who speak native English from the west are employed as teachers. To teach English at the Prathom and Mathayom level, a four-year undergraduate degree, or equivalent, a clean criminal record, and a valid passport are required. These documents are examined by the Thai Teachers Council, and if deemed valid, then the temporary teacher's license is issued.

Masters Degree in Education | M.Ed Programs in Thailand
src: www.gradschools.com

Rural-urban and ethnic differences

Place of birth is a significant marker for predicting academic success in Thailand. Students in ethnic minority areas, especially rural, scores are consistently lower in national and international standards tests. Students from poor families living in remote areas face limited access to quality education compared to their urban counterparts. Only 50 percent of Thai students are taught academic subjects in their native language. This may be due to uneven allocation of educational resources, weak teacher training, socioeconomic factors (poverty), and lower ability in central Thai, language of instruction and test.

G Suite (Google Apps) for Education in Thailand - Supporting ...
src: i.ytimg.com


A third of Thai students aged 13 to 15 suffer bullying in schools between 2010 and 2015. Twenty-nine percent are victims of physical abuse. School violence that is triggered by students in technical schools or vocational schools is an ongoing issue.

Sex education

Thai researcher Wichit Wongwarithip confirmed that Thailand does not provide sex education. Failed with respect to gender diversity, gender equality, and safe sex. "People tend to think that 'good morals' are the solution to all problems and that Thai culture is the best," Wichit said. Thai sex education relies on the foundations of traditional values ​​of heterosexuality and patriarchy. Instead of encouraging safe sex, Thai sex education tells girls to abstain until they are ready to form a family. Some Thai textbooks characterize masturbation as aberrant behavior and recommend meditation to suppress sexual desire. Jiraphon Arunakon, Director of the Gender Variation Clinic, said that sex education taught in Thailand lags behind or ignores scientific research. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) abolished homosexuality from the "disease" classification in 1990 and the Department of Public Health of Thailand confirmed in 2002 that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. Parit Chiwarak, an educational activist from the Education for Liberation Network, said students are reading their sex textbooks to pass the exam, but do not take it seriously. "We all know that Thai textbooks are... sexist.... I do not think that today's students consider LGBT people to be deviants.Students today are not stupid.That's self-destructive to write things that contradict people's beliefs regular [sic] like this.... ", said Parit.

Meanwhile, Thai sex education has done little to reduce teenage pregnancy rates are high in Thailand. By 2014, about 334 babies are born every day for mothers aged 15 to 19 years. Teen births in Thailand have increased. Of every 1,000 live births, 54 are from teenage mothers aged 15-19, higher than in the US and 10 times higher than in Singapore. The number of live births by Thai teenage mothers aged 15-18 increased 43 percent between 2000 and 2011. The reasons for this may be community norms. "Women are told to protect their virginity, but Thai men who have many sexual encounters look cool," said Visa Benjamano, a commissioner at the National Human Rights Council (NHRC).


Uniforms are mandatory for all students with very little variation from standard models across public and private school systems, including colleges and universities.

The rules of dressing in the primary and secondary classes for boys are dark blue, khaki, or black trousers with open white collar of short-sleeved shirts, long socks, and a brown or black coach. The girls wore dark skirt or knee-black black and white blouse with bow tie hanging loose. Butterfly bow tie dropped for a light blue-necked shirt open from Matthayom 4. Girl uniforms equipped with white socks and black school shoes.

Student names, numbers, and school names are often embroidered on a blouse or shirt. Some independent or international schools have uniforms that are more similar to British school uniform standards, and boys in high school are allowed to wear trousers.

The standard gown for children in kindergarten is a red skirt and white blouse for girls and red shorts and a white shirt for boys. In all Thai schools, one day per week, usually Thursday, is dedicated to stalking, when the beige Boy Scout uniform for boys and the dark green guide uniform is the rule, both wearing a yellow tie. Many schools have several variations of scout uniform colors such as blue uniforms with blue neckerchiefs for female scouts at Wattana Wittaya Academy. Use of accessories is prohibited for men, while women are sometimes allowed to use simple accessories. All students are forbidden to color their hair or have a tattoo.

University uniforms are standard across the country and consist of white blouses and plain or pleated skirts for women, and black trousers, a long-sleeved white shirt with a dark blue or black tie for men. Thammasat University was Thailand's first university to break uniform stereotypes by giving students the option to wear polite uniforms as a result of the democratic movement in 1932. Cracks in university uniform policies began to emerge in 2018 as a result of student agitation. The Faculty of Art at Chulalongkorn University (CU) abolished mandatory requirements. CU has long claimed that its prestigious students' uniforms were given to CU students by King Rama V, the founder of the university.

See also

  • List of schools in Thailand
  • List of universities in Thailand
  • References in Thailand
  • Religion in Thailand
  • Buddhism in Thailand
  • Thai Chinese
  • Thai cultural credentials
  • Thaification
  • South Thailand uprising


External links

  • Thailand Education Resources
  • The History of Thai Education
  • Department of Education
  • Higher Education Commission
  • SAE Institute Bangkok Thailand
  • Board of Education Office
  • Global Education Monitoring Report, 2017/8
  • Thailand education website at Curlie (based on DMOZ)
  • Colleges and Universities in Thailand at Curlie (based on DMOZ)
  • International academic program in Thailand at Curlie (based on DMOZ)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
