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CBEST California Basic Educational Skills Test - ppt download

The California Basic Skills Test (CBEST) is a standard test set out across the state of California and Oregon for individuals wishing to teach in public schools and get a mandate. This test is designed to provide information about basic skills in reading, math, and writing. This test is divided into three parts; the reading and math sections each contain 50 multiple choice questions, while the writing section consists of two essay questions. The test should be completed in four hours, but test takers can use that time to work on one or all of the three parts. Also, there is no limit to how many times a person can take a test to pass, and test takers do not have to pass all three parts at once, but a $ 41 registration fee for paper-based testing ($ 102 for computer-based testing) should be paid every time a test is made.

Video California Basic Educational Skills Test

Ikhtisar Tes/Program

The Basic Education Skills Test of California (CBEST) is the standard test required by the states of California and Oregon for individuals seeking their teaching mandate or their first service. It was developed by the Commission on Credential Teachers (CTC) to meet the California Education Code (Section 44254), which was amended by the California legislature on 1 February 1983. This amendment "requires teachers, administrators and other school practitioners, [to] demonstrate adequate skills , in English, from three basic skills: reading, math, and writing. "CBEST is managed by National Evaluation Systems, Inc. (NES), under the direction of the CBEST Program. It does not test a person's ability or ability to teach; only test reading skills (critical analysis, evaluation, understanding, and research skills), math skills (estimation, measurement, calculation, and problem solving etc.), and writing skills considered important for employment in education, either at the educational level basic, medium, or higher.

CBEST gives separate scores for each section tested, but a graduation score must be obtained in each section, to meet California Education Code requirements and obtain the right credentials for employment as educators in the state of California or Oregon.

The CBEST format was implemented by the Oregon Commission of Standards and Practice Committee (TSPC) in July 1984 to assess the basic skills of individuals entering the field of education. Six months later, it becomes a requirement to get a license in Oregon as an educator. CBEST is an additional requirement to obtain licenses or credentials, and it does not substitute for other requirements set for the issuance of the teaching mandate.

Maps California Basic Educational Skills Test

Testing Design/CBEST Section

CBEST consists of three parts. It contains multiple choice questions and two essay questions. Each multiple choice question presents five options (A through E) and examinees are given four hours to take the test. The given time can be split up between the three parts in whatever way you want.

Reading Section

This section contains 50 multiple-choice questions based on the original sentence between 100 to 200 words. In some cases, however, this section may be a brief statement that is not more than one or two sentences. These questions measure the ability to understand information provided through written words, or in charts and graphs. They emphasize critical analysis, evaluation, understanding, and research skills.

The critical analysis and evaluation section is about 40 percent of the questions from this section, and the skill part of understanding and research is about 60 percent of the questions from this section.

Mathematics Section

This section contains 50 multiple-choice questions assessing the cumulative knowledge of mathematics traditionally taught in primary and secondary schools and, sometimes, in college. These questions come from three broad categories: arithmetic, algebra, and measurement and geometry. None of the questions actually test computing, but computational skills are required during the test.

About 40% of the questions in the mathematical section of CBEST are related to arithmetic. About 20% of the questions are related to basic geometry, and the remaining items are related to other concepts and math skills.

Writing Section

This section contains two essay questions. This part of CBEST assesses the ability to compile two effective essays in the given time. The essay should answer two topics printed in the test book. One topic requires an analysis of a particular situation or statement, and the other asks for a narrative of personal experience. These essays test the ability to construct effective prose and to communicate ideas to the intended audience.

Essay writing shows the ability to think critically and use the language logically and clearly. The 30 minute time limit for each essay allows for a little time to rewrite or reflect the writing. Therefore, performance in this part of the test will demonstrate the ability to organize and support ideas quickly.

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Print Exam

Someone should get a total of 123 points to get pass status in all three sections, but you can get away with a score as low as 37 in one or two sections. However, you must make the remaining points remaining from 123 points elsewhere.

CBEST Writing Score

Essays are printed by California and Oregon educators, and they score in accordance with standard procedures during the assessment sessions held immediately after each of the CBEST administrations. The value of writing is determined by assessing each of the two essays holistically according to the criteria described in the CBEST Scoring Writing Scale.

CBEST Score Writing Scale

1- Rhetorical Power

2- Organization

3- Support and Development

4- Use

5- Structure and convention

6- Conformity

CBEST California Basic Educational Skills Test - ppt download

What's New in Version 2008-2009

Computer Based Testing Now Available

CBEST-based computer testing (CBEST CBT) is available to select a five or six-day testing window at Pearson Professional Centers operated by Pearson VUE. If you go to the Test Dates site, it shows a list of testing windows that are open for registration. The Test Site shows information about test centers available in California and other centers in the United States.

New Basic Skills Testing Options 2009

You must complete one of the following options to meet the basic California skill requirements.

1- Passage basic skills exams from other states

2- Passage of all three CSET subtests: Multiple Subjects and CSET: Writing Skills

3- Passage from CBEST

4- Passage from both English and Mathematics sections of the California Early Scoping Program (EAP) and it must have "College Ready" or "Exempt" status.

5- Passage of both English Placement Tests (EPT) and Entry Level Mathematics (ELM). The EPT graduation score is 151 or higher. The current ELM score is 50 or higher. However, if you take an ELM before March 2003, the score should be 550 or higher.

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California Basic Skills Requirements

Who Should Take CBEST?

You must take CBEST if:

1- You apply to get your teaching credentials or services for the first time.

2- You have not taught for 39 months before a new job.

3- You apply for admission to a teacher preparation program or Credential-approved credentials.

Who is Freed from CBEST?

You are freed from taking CBEST if you:

1- An adult instructor in apprenticeship program.

2- A teacher at the children's center.

3- A teacher in a subject who does not require a bachelor's degree

4- Healthcare providers

5- Status of student teachers

6- Deaf and deaf education specialists

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CBEST Graduation Score

All three parts of the test must be passed, to pass the CBEST. Raw scores can range from 1-50, which are then converted to scores ranging from 20-80. The scored passing rate on each test section is 41, and a total score of at least 123 for the three sections must be achieved for graduation.

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Before you sign up

Registration Checklist

Use this checklist to review the information you need to sign up for CBEST.

1- Review your registration options.

2- Prepare your payment.

3- Gather the personal information you need to register.

4- Review background questions.

5- Review the Participation Test Code.

Test Options

When you sign up for paper-based CBEST, you will be automatically registered for all three sections. However, you can take one, two, or all three sections on the paper-based exam administration provided. When you sign up for computer-based CBEST, you can sign up to take one, two, or all three sections. The cost of the test is the same regardless of your choice. After you register, you can not change your section selection unless you withdraw and register again.

Test & amp; Site

CBEST is offered six times a year, every two months in various locations throughout California and Oregon. Usually given on the first or second Saturday in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Specific CBEST test dates can be found on the CBEST website.

The choice of test area should be indicated when registering for CBEST. Specific test sites will be provided based on the facilities available and appropriate for exam administration. Test sites may change due to scheduling conflicts. Although "every effort will be made to ensure that the new site is located in the same general as originally requested," it is recommended to thoroughly review the choice of test area when the change is made. Check out the Pearson VUE website at for the latest information on all available test test and test test areas.

Test Cost

The fee for internet registration and phone must be paid by credit or debit card or check. Fees for registration by US mail and for other services requested by mail must be paid by check or money order.

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Registration Options

There are three different ways to register for CBEST including internet registration, mailing, and phone registration.

Internet Registration

Internet registration is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Internet registration for paper-based exams can be used during regular, late, and emergency registration periods. To register over the internet, go to the main CBEST website, click "Sign Up Now," and follow the instructions listed. The phone registration is open from 09:00 to 5:00. (Pacific Time), Monday through Friday, excluding certain holidays. Registration must be completed no later than 5:00. (Pacific Time) at the time of registration to qualify for the special enrollment period.

Email Enrollment

Registration deadlines are strictly enforced and should be stamped with regular registration deadlines. Anything postmarked after the deadline may cause a delay or incur additional registration fees.

Phone Signup

Telephone registration may be used during the final and emergency registration period only. To register by phone call (800) 262- 5080 or (916) 928-4001 at a certain time and date.

Ensure and Change Registration

To confirm your registration date, time, and location for paper-based testing, select "Confirm or Change Registration" on the CBEST website. Follow the instructions provided to enter and verify that all information is correct and accurate. To change your paper-based test, you can request by internet, US mail or fax. Note that you can not convert from a paper-based test to a computer-based test. To confirm registration for a computer-based test, click the e-mail that the evaluation system will send to you. You will be redirected to the website to schedule your appointment. To change a computer-based test you can reschedule on Pearson VUE's website.

Day of Trial

Report to Test site

Paper-based test sessions will start at 8:00 and will end at 12:45. 1:15 pm Test time may vary in test locations other than California and Oregon. Computer-based test sessions will vary depending on what is confirmed in the confirmation email.

What to Carry & amp; Site Rules Test

For paper-based testing, you must bring your admission ticket, honing pencil number 2 with eraser, and proper identification. For computer-based testing, all you have to take is paper identification as described in "Identification Policy." The CBEST test site does not allow any of the following on the site: all smoking and use of tobacco products, visitors, any weapons, cell phones, electronic communication devices, calculators, handwritten or printed materials, parcels, food/beverages and unauthorized assistance.

During and After Test

"During the test, you will have four hours to complete the test to do any test part;" bathroom pauses are allowed, but this means toward the specified four hours. No communication is allowed during the test. When you have completed the test, the test materials will be collected and you must leave the facility.

Obtain Test Result

The score will be sent four to six weeks after the test date. For each section, the score will announce whether the passage is being missed, and it will suggest areas within each section that may need to be learned. The score report will also include the highest score earned. Passing score on each section of the exam should not be taken again.


External links

  • The Official Site of CBEST

Source of the article : Wikipedia
