The American Psychological Association (APA) The Ethical Principles of Psychologists and the Code of Ethics (for brevity, the Code of Ethics , as intended by APA) includes the introduction, opening, listing of five aspirational principles and a list of ten standards that may applied by psychologists to guide ethical decisions in practice, research, and education. Principles and standards are written, revised, and enforced by APA. Behavior codes apply to psychologists in various fields in various contexts. In the event of a violation of the code of ethics, APA may take action from termination of APA membership until the loss of license, depending on the violation. Professional organizations and other licensing bodies may adopt and enforce the code.
The first version was published by APA in 1953. The need for such a document came after psychologists took a more professional and public role after World War II. A committee was developed and reviewed the situation posed by psychologists in the field who felt they had experienced an ethical dilemma. The organizers set this situation into a theme and include it in the first document 170 pages long. Over the years, differences have been made between aspirational principles and workable standards. Because, there are nine revisions with the most recently published in 2002 and amended in 2010.
Despite the development and use of a complete code of ethics, there are still violations of ethics and controversy. For example, although APA takes a firm stand against conversion therapy, this treatment is still controversial among many psychologists and religious groups and is still practiced by some. There is also some disagreement in this field about the ethical implications of treatment use that may be less effective than other known treatments, although some psychologists argue that all treatment treatments are equally effective (see Dodo's ruling). APA has also been involved in assisting the Central Intelligence Agency to continue "enhanced interrogation techniques" from prisoners under the Bush administration. This represents a clear violation of the organizational code of ethics and has been addressed by APA in the form of reports, responses to media outlets, policy amendments, and refusal of such allegations.
Video APA Ethics Code
Introduction and opening
Introduction The Ethical Principles Psychologists and Code of Conduct are designed to illustrate the purpose of the document. It also tells the reader about the organization, its implementation, and its procedural matters. The introduction states that the code applies to psychologists' scientific, educational, and professional roles, which may include "clinical psychology, counseling psychology, school psychology, research, teaching, supervision, public service, policy development, social intervention, development of assessment instruments, , educational counseling, organizational counseling, forensic activities, program design and evaluation, and administration, "(pg.2) Introduction also includes information on what situational context applies, including electronic and face-to-face communication. It provides information about the procedure for filing an ethics complaint, along with a description of the investigation process and possible outcomes. The opening is a description of the aspirations expected by the American Psychological Association of psychologists, and reviews the main purpose for having such a code of ethics.
General ethical principles
There are five general principles that serve as ideals that psychologists must aspire to in the profession. These principles represent ethical objectives but do not explicitly inform or instruct compliance with objectives; on the contrary, principles aim to influence and guide professional behavior with respect to psychologists, research subjects, students, and individuals seeking psychological services.
Principle A: Beneficence and nonmaleficence
The principle of virtue and non-evil from the general principles of WHAT leads psychologists to do useful work for others but does not hurt anyone in the process of doing the work. Psychologists must remain aware of their professional influence and its potential consequences in individuals and groups seeking advice with psychologists, especially with regard to preventing abuse or abuse, while additionally maintaining awareness of how physical and mental health psychologists themselves can influence their work. Among professional interactions and research, psychologists must respect and protect the rights and welfare of patients and participants.
Principle B: Fidelity and responsibility
The principle of loyalty and responsibility of general principles WHAT inspires psychologists to foster a professional and scientific environment built on trust, accountability, and ethical considerations. Psychologists are committed to the community in their professional ways and must behave in a responsible and ethical way while also maintaining a similar examination of colleagues. Furthermore, psychologists are expected altruistically to devote some of their time to society.
Principle C: Integrity
The integrity principle of APA's general principles aims to encourage psychologists to engage in honest and transparent practices in all aspects of the field of psychology. That is, psychologists should not engage in behaviors that can be misinterpreted as being dishonest, exploitative, or malicious. When fraud is used appropriately (most likely during psychological research), psychologists have a responsibility to reduce the effects of their use on the field as a whole.
Principle D: Justice
The principle of fairness of the general principles of APA states that people are entitled to progress made in the field of psychology and to the services offered by professionals in the field. Furthermore, psychologists must prevent unfair practices by remaining aware of their biases, levels of competence, and areas and limits of expertise.
Principle E: Respect for the rights and dignity of the people
The general principle of respect for the rights and dignity of human beings recognizes the individual's right to privacy and confidentiality. Psychologists must respect the rights of individuals while also recognizing the value of the individual by taking prudent and prudent actions involved in positive, professional interactions, avoiding the influence of personal bias against individuals or groups. This requires an awareness of the vulnerability experienced by a particular population and requires understanding and respect for diversity, including, but not limited to, factors related to gender, race, religion, disability, and socioeconomic status.
Ethical standards
The ethical principles of psychologists and codes of ethics proposed by APA consist of ten ethical standards. Ethical standards are the rules that apply to psychologists in academia and practice. It's widely written to guide psychologists in various fields and roles, addressing situations that most psychologists may encounter in their professional roles. Types of situations including those related to ethical issues solving, competence, human relations, privacy and confidentiality, advertising and public statements, records and fees, education and training, research and publication, assessment, and therapy. Ethical standards apply to the interests of psychologists, clients, students, and other individuals working with psychologists. Any psychologist who is a member of APA is expected to adhere to ethical standards. Any violation of ethical standards may result in sanctions ranging from terminating APA membership to loss of licenses.
Resolving ethical issues
The ethical problem solving section of the WHAT Ethics Standards is widely designed to guide psychologists through various ethical issues. One of the first sections explains how the approach when the psychologist's work is misused or misunderstood, as happens in the popular press. Psychological research is often misinterpreted. The two sections illustrate how to resolve the conflict between the psychological code of ethics and the various governing bodies, laws, or regulations and organizational demands associated with working as a psychologist. There are sections related to the informal settlement of ethical violations for situations where such a resolution is possible while protecting confidentiality. If the incident goes beyond being resolved informally, there are guidelines for reporting ethical violations as well as working with and cooperating with ethics committees. With respect to ethical complaints, there is also a section that outlines what might be considered an inappropriate complaint. Finally, the Ethical Endorsement Aspects section describes unfair discrimination against complainants and respondents to protect those involved in ethical-related investigations.
The competence section of the WHAT Ethics Standards is designed to guide psychologists in how to define their own competencies and how to approach clients or patients who may fall outside the area of ââexpertise. This ethical standard begins by helping psychologists define their own limits of competence. Different types of issues related to mental health and potential care vary widely. It is impossible for a psychologist to be competent in all areas, and in fact, unethical to try to describe themselves in such a way. If a psychologist feels that he has not been trained to ensure competence in a particular field to care for clients, he should make the right referrals. This ethical standard also provides psychologists with guidance in providing services in emergency situations. Although psychologists should refrain from providing services outside their field of competence, in times of emergency psychologists are obliged to assist if possible. Psychologists are also required to maintain competence. This is usually done through the completion of continuing education credits. This standard also provides psychologists with a foundation for making scientific and professional judgments in an ethically consistent manner. An outline is also provided to delegate work to others and solve personal and conflict problems.
Human relations
The human relations section of the APA Standards provides a psychologist's guide by approaching situations related to the process of working with people in the helping field. This section describes how to identify and avoid unfair discrimination, sexual harassment, and other types of verbal and nonverbal abuse. This type of behavior has a strong adverse effect on mental health. Thus, psychologists must be very vigilant in identifying and avoiding this kind of behavior. This section also describes how to avoid danger when treating patients. Some treatments have been shown to cause harm, and thus, should be avoided. This section also provides guidance for navigating and avoiding multiple relationships. The situation in which a physician has more than one relationship with a client outside just being a client can be difficult to navigate, which can also lead to a conflict of interest, which is also closed. Guidelines are also provided for how to approach service requests from third parties, ie when someone other than the patient requests services for such patients. Exploitative relationships are also discussed and should be avoided, in accordance with ethical standards. This section provides guidance on working with other professionals, which is often the situation faced in multidisciplinary care teams. Guides are provided to provide and obtain informed consent for treatment. Another section describes how to provide psychological services to or through the organization. And lastly, a guide is provided for how to navigate a situation where there is a psychological service interruption for various reasons.
Privacy and privacy
The privacy and confidentiality section of the WHAT Ethics Standards is written to help provide psychologists with guidelines to maintain proper confidentiality and respect the privacy of clients and patients treated. Specific guidelines are provided to maintain confidentiality for psychologist patients and to discuss confidentiality limits with them. In certain situations where the safety of patients or others is at risk, confidentiality must be broken because law enforcement needs to be motivated. Guides are also provided for how to record ethical therapy sessions for various reasons including training. Measures are covered for psychologists to minimize intrusions on privacy for patients. The section on disclosure and consultation provides guidance on how and when psychologists should disclose information and how to consult ethically with other professionals while maintaining appropriate levels of confidentiality. Finally, this section guides psychologists about how and when to use confidential information for didactic purposes or other purposes while protecting client confidentiality.
Other public ads and statements
The advertising and other public statements of the APA Standards are designed to guide psychologists through the process of advertising their practices and making other types of public statements. This section begins by describing how to avoid false and deceptive statements, within a certain level of competence. As explained in the competence section, it is unethical to provide services outside your field of expertise. This section also describes others' statements about the work and competence of psychologists. This section proceeds to describe how to describe accurately and honest workshops and non-degree educational programs. Media presentations and testimonials about one's work, and how to do them ethically and accurately, are also discussed. This section also states that getting testimonials from previous clients or currently is not acceptable. This section closes by describing how to navigate ethically from personal service calls.
Record keeping and costs
The standard of listing and cost of ethical standards WHAT is developed to guide psychologists in maintaining professional and scientific records of confidentiality. This standard states that keeping records allows professionals to share information with other professionals when needed, help replicate research findings, and comply with institutional and legal requirements. In an emergency, psychologists are not allowed to withhold records of clients who fail to make payments. Psychologists are expected to arrange financial fees and financial arrangements in accordance with the law and accept barter only in situations that do so, not negatively affecting care. Psychologists are also expected to maintain and provide accurate reports on care, funding, and diagnostic details. The standard also emphasizes that psychologists should receive payments based on services provided rather than referrals.
Education and training
Education standards and training of ethical standards WHAT is designed to help psychologists create high-quality programs that train future psychologists with the right knowledge and practice. Psychologists who create educational and training programs are responsible for presenting a clear description of the program, including pre-requirements for acceptance and requirements for program completion. Psychologists are expected to teach accurate and up-to-date material supported by scientific evidence. Psychologists may not ask students to disclose any personal information, unless they are listed as program requirements, or to evaluate whether the experience has a negative impact on student performance. If individual or group therapy is a program requirement, psychologists are responsible for enabling students to attend individual or group therapy outside the program. In addition, faculty members are not allowed to provide therapeutic services to students. Supervisors are required to provide timely feedback to students and supervisees based on their performance and program requirements. Psychologists involved in the program are prohibited from engaging in sexual relationships with students and supervisees.
Research and publication
The standard research and publication of the APA ethical standards were developed to highlight the research and ethical publications that psychologists are expected to comply with. This standard emphasizes the need for institutional approval before conducting research, providing accurate information on research studies, and conducting research in accordance with approval. When obtaining informed consent, details of the study should be presented to the participants, including but not limited to research objectives, procedures, benefits and potential risks associated with the study, and the right of participants to refuse participation and withdraw from the study without penalty. However, unexpected studies cause any harm, such as observing in naturalistic environments, using anonymous questionnaires, or if permitted by law, informed consent may not be necessary. Compensation for participation should not be used to induce participants who do not want. At the end of the study, each participant should be presented with a summary of the study and the participant should be given the opportunity to ask any questions he or she has. Furthermore, if there are some losses incurred to participants due to participation in research, steps that need to be followed to minimize harm. This standard also provides guidance and guidance on animal research. Psychologists are responsible for reporting accurate findings and taking the necessary steps to correct mistakes in research and publication. Psychologists are also required to only present original data as their work and share credit publications based on contributions rather than authority. Psychologists are also expected to be willing to share research data when needed for verification, and maintain the confidentiality of participants during the review process.
The standards for assessment of ethical standards of APA are developed to broadly address the assessment guidelines. This standard states that the psychologist's view should be supported by the findings of the assessment, while reporting the limitations of the assessment. If the point of view is not based on the results of the assessment, the psychologist must provide evidence to justify their judgment. Psychologists are responsible for using valid and reliable judgments that are managed in a language preferred by the client. Informed consent is expected to be obtained in accordance with the guidelines on the standard "Informed Consent", unless the assessment is required by law, regular practice or necessary to test the ability to make decisions. Psychologists using translators are expected to obtain approval from clients for the use of translators as well as to maintain confidentiality and safety testing. Psychologists may refrain from releasing test data to protect participants. Psychologists are also responsible for developing valid and reliable assessments and interpreting test results by taking other factors that can influence interpretation while also showing limitations related to interpretation. Psychologists should be appropriately trained to manage the assessment and be responsible for using the current test. Psychologists are also responsible for providing the necessary information when interpreting the interpretation and interpretation of test results. Psychologists are asked to explain test results to clients or other identified persons, unless otherwise specified. Psychologists are also required to maintain security and integrity in all test materials.
The APA ethical standard of therapy is widely written to guide psychologists through various aspects of psychological service provision. Psychologists are required to obtain informed consent from clients prior to treatment by presenting sufficient details about therapeutic techniques, including how to establish care and whether a psychologist in training will assist the client. When psychologists are asked to provide services in a group setting, psychologists are asked to identify the role of a psychologist and notify the client of the limitations of confidentiality. If a psychologist is required to provide services to clients who have received mental health services from other professionals, psychologists are required to discuss with clients or other identified persons to minimize conflicts and dangers. Psychologists should not engage in sexual relationships with current clients or with those who are closely related to clients. Psychologists should not engage sexually with past clients within two years of termination and even after two years of termination, psychologists must provide sufficient details to ensure that these ethical standards are not violated by engaging with past clients. In the case of termination of employment, necessary measures should be taken to ensure client care. Termination of therapy should occur when the client shows significant improvement, does not get further benefits from treatment, is harmed by care, or the doctor is threatened by a client or someone related to the client. Psychologists are expected to prepare clients for termination and provide a source for alternative services.
Maps APA Ethics Code
"These rules should do more than help unethical psychologists to avoid problems, they should be a help that ethical psychologists can touch on making daily decisions." --Nicholas Hobbs (1948, p.Ã, 81)
The first Committee on Ethical Standards for Psychologists was developed in 1947 and chaired by Edward Tolman. The committee was formed because psychologists became increasingly involved in professional activities and public works during and after World War II. To gain insight into what to include, the committee sought information from psychologists in the field. Psychologists discuss situations in which they feel they have an ethical dilemma.
The second committee was formed and led by Nicholas Hobbs. This 8 member committee is responsible for making the first document. The committee used the contributions of more than 2,000 psychologists to create the first principles. The committee reviewed the situation that the psychologist put forward to the first committee and sought to organize the situation into the theme. The emerging themes reflect many political and social problems at the time including racial segregation, postwar politics, and the testing industry. The first version of the Ethical Standards Psychologist was adopted in 1952 and published in 1953 by the American Psychological Association (APA). The document is more than 170 pages long. The first version contains many ethical dilemmas written by psychologists and submitted to the first committee as case examples.
Revision history
The revision of the 1953 version continued for decades until the latest version was published in 2002 and amended in 2010. Each revision was guided by a series of goals proposed by Hobbs in 1948: "to express the best ethical practice in a field assessed by a representative sample large members of APA, to reflect explicit value systems as well as clearly articulated rules of conduct and behavior, to apply to the various activities and role relationships faced in the work of psychologists, to have the widest possible participation among psychologists in its development and revision, and to influence ethical behavior of psychologists by providing broad identification and acceptance among members of the discipline ".
Revisions have occurred over the years with regard to many changes in society. The culture, politics, legal system, economy and health care system all have an effect on the development of past and present codes of ethics. Case examples are also deleted. Before 1981, there was no principle or standard that addressed the conflict between law and ethics. One of the biggest changes occurred with the 1992 code version. Before this version, there was no difference between principles and standards. This version is the first to make that difference. These principles are considered aspirational while standards can be enforced by the institutions that adopt them, including APA.
The current version of this code was developed in 2002, became effective in 2003, and amended in 2010. Amendments made for Introduction and Entry Section along with Standard 1.02 Conflict Between Ethics and Law, Regulations, or Legal Authorities and Other Regulatory Standards 1.03 Conflict Between Ethics and Organizational Demands./green/& lt; Ethical step & gt;
Previous revision with the changes indicated:
- American Psychological Association. (1953). Standard ethical psychologist. Washington, DC: Author. (first version; no reference to legal standards)
- American Psychological Association. (1959). Standard ethical psychologist. American Psychologist , 14, 279-282. (changed to Principle 3: Moral and Legal Standards)
- American Psychological Association. (1963). Standard ethical psychologist. American Psychologist , 18, 56-60. (no changes in language)
- American Psychological Association. (1968). Standard ethical psychologist. American Psychologist , 23, 357-361. (no changes in language)
- American Psychological Association. (1977, March). Standard ethical psychologist. Monitor WHAT , 22-23. (changed to Principle 3: Moral and Legal Standards)
- American Psychological Association. (1979). Standard ethical psychologist. Washington, DC: Author. (no changes in language)
- American Psychological Association. (1981). The ethical principles of psychologists. American Psychologist , 36, 633-638. (changed to Principle 3: Moral and Legal Standards)
- American Psychological Association. (1990). Principles of ethical psychologist (Changed June 2, 1989). American psychologist , 45, 390-395. (no changes in language)
- American Psychological Association. (1992). Principles of ethical psychologists and codes of conduct. American psychologist , 47, 1597-1611. (Change of Introduction to the Code of Ethics 1992 (paragraph 5) (aspirational); change to Ethics Standard 1.02 Ethics and Legal Relationships (workable))
- American Psychological Association. (2002). Principles of ethical psychologists and codes of conduct (Changed February 20, 2010). American psychologist , 57, 1060-1073. (changed into Introduction and Effectiveness (paragraph 7) (aspirational), changed to 1.02 Conflict Between Ethics and Law, Regulations, or Other Regulatory Law Authorities (applicable)
Ethical controversy
Conversion therapy
Conversion therapy (also called reparative therapy) is the practice of trying to change the patient's sexual orientation to heterosexuals. Among the most prominent supporters of conversion therapy are the National Association for Research & amp; Homosexual Therapy (NARTH), which continues to color homosexuality as a mental disorder, despite the declassification of homosexuality as a disturbance in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973. One of the most famous members of NARTH is the founder and former president of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, who practiced conversion therapy and has published case studies on several of his clients.
The American Psychological Association (APA) taskforce report on the correct therapeutic response to sexual orientation concluded that conversion therapy "is unlikely to be successful" and involves "some risk of harm". Likewise, the General Surgeon General issued a call to action in 2001, concluding that "there is no valid scientific evidence that sexual orientation can be changed".
In the task force report, APA recommends that therapists adopt an affirmative and supportive approach for clients present for therapy to change their sexual orientation rather than trying to change their sexual orientation.
Animal research
Currently, APA implements ethical standards to protect nonhuman animal subjects from unnecessary harm during the research process. Some of the requirements for using nonhuman animals in the study include: appropriate justification of research, maintenance and inspection of adequate housing for animals, minimizing discomfort and stress whenever possible, and preferences of non-invasive measures.
Apart from these guidelines, however, many advocacy groups exist to reduce or eliminate animal research, arguing that it is unethical to catch animals and make them subject to research procedures. Indeed, a new study shows that only 52% of people agree on animal research. Some scientists believe that this low level of approval is primarily the result of receiving incorrectly manipulative information from anti-animal research groups.
Evidence-based practice
The current controversy among mental health professionals is the use of certain psychological treatments that are not strongly supported by research. Proponents of the evidence-based practice movement (EBP) argue that it is unethical to manage therapeutic interventions with the support of questionable research (such as psychoanalysis) when other treatment effectiveness has been demonstrated for the client's condition, especially when the intervention is potentially hazardous (such as conversion therapy). Proponents argue that empirically questionable medical administration violates General Principle A of the ethical principles of psychologists: Beneficence and nonmaleficence (or "harmless").
The opposite of the motion object that all psychotherapy is just as effective (termed "Dodo bird ruling") and confirms that limiting therapists to only evidence-based care limits the chances of discovering new techniques. Further complicating the problem is the fact that there is debate about what kind of evidence is needed to establish "good research support" for or against treatment.
Psychologists involved in torture
During the Iraq War, Amnesty International issued a series of reports, calling attention to human rights abuses of prisoners in Abu Ghraib Prison and American detention camps, and the role of the United States and the United Kingdom in enacting these violations. The report calls on the occupying authorities to protect the human rights of every detained civilian citizen by giving them just and timely trials, not detaining civilians arbitrarily, and treating everyone ethically while in custody. Amnesty International also calls for justice, by attempting individuals abusing perpetrators for their crimes.
Despite these reports, the Bush administration instituted an "improved" interrogation technique, which publicly stated that reporting offenses was an isolated incident, and not a standard practice. The internal memo from the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveals that the executive order by George W. Bush has approved certain interrogation techniques, such as playing loud music, robbing prisoners of sleep, and stripping prisoners of their clothes.
The CIA reportedly requires the involvement of health professionals to continue "improved" interrogation practices on detention, to maintain the validity of their practices. Psychiatrists and doctors are reluctant to participate in interrogations, but some psychologists participate. A report recently released by a group of psychologists says the same thing, involving a number of APA officials as well.
Source of the article : Wikipedia